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Scanning Harbor registry images for vulnerabilities with Snyk

It’s official! Snyk Container offers support for scanning container images stored in the popular open source container registry, Harbor. Snyk Container helps you find and fix vulnerabilities in your container images, and now it integrates with Harbor as a container registry, enabling you to import your projects and monitor your containers for vulnerabilities. Snyk tests the projects you’ve imported for any known security vulnerabilities found, testing at a frequency you control.

Scanning Red Hat Quay registry images for vulnerabilities with Snyk

We’re excited to share that you can now scan container images stored in Red Hat’s Quay container registry and their hosted service with Snyk Container. Snyk Container helps you find and fix vulnerabilities in your container images and integrates with Quay as a container registry to enable you to import your projects and monitor your containers for vulnerabilities, as is fully described in our Snyk Container documentation.

Federal agencies given five days to find hacked Exchange servers

CISA, the US Department of Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, has told federal agencies that they have until 12:00pm EDT on Monday April 5 to scan their networks for evidence of intrusion by malicious actors, and report back the results. CISA is ordering agencies with on-premises Microsoft Exchange servers to urgently conduct the scans following widespread exploitation of vulnerabilities, in fear that some compromises may have remained undetected.

Splunk SOAR Playbooks: Conducting an Azure New User Census

In January and February of 2021, the threat actor called Hafnium used a number of post-exploitation tools after gaining access to Exchange servers through a zero-day exploit. One of their persistence methods was creating new user accounts in the domain, giving them the ability to log back into the network using normal authentication rather than use a web shell or continue to re-exploit the vulnerability (which has since been patched).

Preventing YAML parsing vulnerabilities with snakeyaml in Java

YAML is a human-readable language to serialize data that’s commonly used for config files. The word YAML is an acronym for “YAML ain’t a markup language” and was first released in 2001. You can compare YAML to JSON or XML as all of them are text-based structured formats. While similar to those languages, YAML is designed to be more readable than JSON and less verbose than XML.

Cloud lateral movement: Breaking in through a vulnerable container

Lateral movement is a growing concern with cloud security. That is, once a piece of your cloud infrastructure is compromised, how far can an attacker reach? What often happens in famous attacks to Cloud environments is a vulnerable application that is publicly available can serve as an entry point. From there, attackers can try to move inside the cloud environment, trying to exfiltrate sensitive data or use the account for their own purpose, like crypto mining.

SAST, DAST, SCA: What's best for application security testing?

With a 43% rise in data breaches tied to web application vulnerabilities according to Verizon, enterprise security teams are looking more closely at how security controls can be integrated to DevOps without impacting productivity. But with so many automated security testing tools (SAST, DAST, SCA) on the market, it’s important to understand the difference and when to use them to ensure robust Application Security.

Using Devo to Stop Black Kingdom ProxyLogon Exploit

Black Kingdom is targeting Exchange servers that remain unpatched against the ProxyLogon vulnerabilities disclosed by Microsoft earlier this month. It strikes the on-premises versions of Microsoft Exchange Server, abusing the remote code execution (RCE) vulnerability also known as ProxyLogon (CVE-2021-27065[2]).

Synopsys CyRC named a CVE Numbering Authority

As a CVE Numbering Authority, Synopsys can assign CVE ID numbers and publish newly discovered vulnerabilities. The Synopsys Software Integrity Group has been helping organizations find and fix vulnerabilities in their software for nearly a decade. And now it will be able to help them and the broader software industry even more.

How To Assign Personalized Courses on Codebashing with Kondukto? (with subtitles)

Kondukto lets you pinpoint the developers responsible for vulnerabilities discovered by your SAST tools. After analyzing the type and number of vulnerabilities created by each developer, you can quickly assign courses on Codebashing with a single click on Kondukto.