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Leveraging Cyber Risk Quantification for NIS 2 Compliance

‍In response to the growing number of disparate cyber regulations across its member states, resulting in inconsistent cybersecurity practices, the EU drafted Directive 2022/2555, more commonly known as NIS 2. This sweeping directive, officially in effect in October 2024, aims to ensure a more uniform, proactive approach to cyber risk management across the union in the face of an interdependent market and increasingly costly risk landscape.

The HIPAA compliance checklist for security managers

The healthcare sector in the United States has seen a continuous increase in both the frequency and cost of data breaches in the past decade. This is shown by a 61% rise in HIPAA violations from 2019 to 2020, resulting in penalties totaling $13 million for the sector. From 2020 to 2023, the average cost of a single healthcare data breach in the US rose nearly 30%, reaching a whopping $9.3 million.

Vanta's latest product capabilities accelerate compliance for startups

Whether it's expanding to new regions or selling to larger customers with higher expectations, establishing an effective security and compliance program is a necessary step for growing startups. For many, the first step to unlocking growth is getting a SOC 2 report, which can be a complicated process. Many startups struggle to achieve compliance due to unclear requirements and an overwhelming amount of tools to choose from—making it hard to know which solution can get them compliant, fast. ‍

NCSC sets out plans to launch Advanced Cyber Defence 2.0

An initiative of the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) since 2017, the Active Cyber Defence (ACD) programme has provided a range of free cyber security tools and services to enable eligible public sector organisations to address high-volume commodity attacks. Following on from its success, the NCSC has announced plans to launch a new version of ACD, aimed at extending its benefits to businesses.

A Comprehensive Guide to Today's IGA Solutions: Features, Benefits, and Options

Let’s face it. Managing and securing IT networks is far more complex today. Beyond securing endpoints, sensitive data, and the network perimeter, security teams must also focus on identity security, access management, and regulatory compliance. They not only have to create password policies but protect those passwords and access privileges. Twenty years ago, no one had to worry about things such as cloud identity. Today, a different world demands a different set of tools.

Guidelines For Determining the CUI Decontrol Eligibility

One of the biggest burdens on any government agency or contractor is dealing with controlled unclassified information, or CUI. This information requires oversight, security, access control, and record-keeping – all part of the general “control” of that information – and keeping track of it all can be a huge task. One way in which this task is made easier is through the process of decontrol.

How Cybersecurity Risk Assessments Will Need to Evolve for 2025

2025 is drawing near, and the cybersecurity scene is changing quickly. Organizations must adapt how they undertake cybersecurity risk assessments in tandem with the ongoing evolution of technology and the escalating sophistication of cyber-attacks. In order to address the difficulties of the near future, cybersecurity risk assessments will need to change in ten key areas, as this essay examines.

Vanta continues AWS momentum with Security Competency achievement

Vanta has achieved the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Security Competency status. This designation recognizes that Vanta excels at providing deep AWS technical expertise and integrations that help customers achieve their cloud security and compliance goals. ‍ Over half of Vanta’s 8,000+ customers leverage AWS. Achieving the AWS Security Competency reinforces our continual commitment to delivering deeply automated, integrated product experiences.

Automate compliance with SprintoGRC x Aikido

Be it ISO 27001, SOC 2, or , gaining and maintaining compliance is a daunting task. But it doesn’t have to be. With the right tools and support, you can put compliance on autopilot. That’s why we are excited to kick-off a new partnership with SprintoGRC, a full-stack security compliance automation platform built for growing tech companies.