Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

February 2020

Healthcare A Growing Cyber Sickness

Healthcare data breach statistics clearly show there has been an upward trend in data breaches over the past few years, with 2019 seeing more data breaches reported than any other year According to Black Book Market Research, 96% of IT professionals believe cyber-attackers are outpacing the security capabilities of medical organizations. As a result, organizations must implement healthcare data security solutions that will improve patient care while protecting important assets. Schedule a demo today, and stay cyber assured.

Testimonial Video about Ignyte

Due to the increase in #frequency and volume of new security #threats. Organizations need to conduct a robust assessment to determine their risk and also evaluate their #preparedness. Ignyte's Integrated risk management platform is designed to meet rising expectations of the #compliance function and lay foundations for future success. Ignyte helps teams to look ahead and anticipate and mitigate #uncertainties to enhance business performance.

So You Want to Achieve NERC CIP-013-1 Compliance...

Is an electricity provider’s supply chain its weakest link in the event of a cyberattack? The evidence is compelling that third parties often play unwitting roles. For example, the NotPetya ransomware attacks in mid-2017 originally gained a foothold via a backdoor in third-party accounting software. To safeguard North America’s electricity supply, the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) has issued several critical infrastructure protection (CIP) standards.