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Open Source

Two of Wallarm's Open-source Tools Have Been Accepted into Black Hat Arsenal 2024

We're gearing up with some seriously cool stuff for Black Hat! But first, a little sneak peek - not just one, but TWO of Wallarm's open-source tools will be featured in the Arsenal showcase at Black Hat USA this year. Black Hat Arsenal unites researchers and the open-source community to display their newest open-source tools and products, allowing presenters to engage directly with attendees. Its schedule is now live, so save the date to watch presentations of API Firewall and GoTestWAF.

The Importance of OSINT in Application Security

In our interconnected online world, the security of applications and the data they process is essential. Open-Source Intelligence (OSINT) plays a critical role in enhancing application security by offering valuable insights into potential threats, vulnerabilities, and the overall security posture of an organization.