Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


The 2025 DORA Deadline is Here: Simplify Compliance with Teleport

The Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA) comes into full effect on January 17, 2025. This deadline marks a monumental shift in how financial institutions and their technology providers prioritize and maintain operational resilience and cybersecurity standards – and sets in stone real business and regulatory consequences to ensure resilience is achieved. And like any sweeping security regulation, organizations must embark on an uphill journey to earn full compliance.

Integrate Jira Data Center With GitGuardian For Real-Time Secrets Detection

We are excited to announce that Jira Data Center users can now leverage GitGuardian to perform real-time scanning for secrets in issues and comments. We have supported Jira Cloud with real-time scanning for some time, but now teams that run their own private versions of the popular project management tool, helping teams plan, track, and release work. You can install GitGuardian on multiple Jira Data Center sites to monitor your projects.

Integrate Bitbucket Cloud With GitGuardian's Secrets Detection Platform Now Supports

We are proud to announce that BitBucket Cloud users can now leverage the GitGuardian Secrets Detection platform to find hardcoded secrets throughout their existing codebases and actively monitor any code changes for newly leaked credentials. We have supported Bitbucket Data Center and Sever for years, but now, teams managing code on can reap those same benefits. Integration is very simple and straightforward.

Mend Renovate Enterprise Cloud: Dependency Updates at Scale

If there’s one thing development and security teams can agree on, it’s that updating dependencies is a worthwhile endeavor. Keeping open-source dependencies up to date reduces bugs—both now and in the long run. And whether those bugs are security vulnerabilities or functional issues, everyone is happy to see them go.

Microsoft and Black Duck DevOps Partnership: Build Secure, High-Quality Software Faster | Black Duck

Building secure, high-quality software is more challenging than ever. The bar is set high for organizations to release new features and functions without compromising the quality or security in the applications they deploy. Organizations are rapidly adopting DevOps tools and methodologies to keep up-with the demands of accelerated software delivery. They are also implementing application security testing earlier in their development workflow to develop and deploy quality code.

CIS Controls v8.1: Everything You Need to Know

The Center for Internet Security (CIS) Controls are a prioritized set of Safeguards to mitigate the most common cyber-attacks against systems and networks. The SANS 20 Critical Security Controls, formerly known as the SANS Top 20, is now called the CIS Controls and has been reduced from 20 to 18 Controls since version 8.