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The Top SIEM Technical Interview Questions

If you are evaluating a new role that requires proficient knowledge of SIEM, this comprehensive guide offers an extensive list of frequently asked interview questions. Each question is paired with detailed, well-explained answers to ensure you fully understand the concepts and can confidently showcase your expertise.

Strengthening Snowflake Security with Protegrity's Advanced Solutions

The recent AT&T data breach, which compromised call and text records of nearly all its cell customers, highlights the urgent need for robust data security. As partners with Snowflake, we at Protegrity are dedicated to working together to strengthen data protection and ensure our customers’ information remains secure.

Phishing Awareness Training: 10 Reasons Why Yours Isn't Working

Phishers are in the business of deception. They trick unsuspecting individuals into compromising sensitive data, potentially bringing an entire organization to its knees. Awareness training for employees is one of the most important tools a company can use in its anti-phishing strategy. However, it also has its downsides. Some of these flaws can, and should be fixed. Others leave no choice but to complement training with additional anti-phishing tools.

What Is EDR Security?

Back in 2013, Gartner’s Anton Chuvakin set out to name a new set of security solutions to detect suspicious activity on endpoints. After what he called, “a long agonizing process that involved plenty of conversations with vendors, enterprises, and other analysts,” Chuvakin came up with this phrase: endpoint threat detection and response.

How to Implement Cyber Security Monitoring in 2024

Cyber security monitoring refers to the continuous observation and analysis of an organisation's network and information systems to detect and respond to security threats. It plays a vital role in protecting sensitive data and preventing data breaches, making it an essential practice in 2024. In today's digital landscape, the frequency and sophistication of cyberattacks have dramatically increased.

You don't have to do it all: Elevate your operations with managed services on 11:11 Cloud

To accommodate the open-fire-hydrant-like stream of data creation across today’s modern IT landscape, our systems have, naturally, been forced to grow in complexity. While a source of great innovation, this increasingly complex reality has also left many IT teams feeling overworked and overwhelmed, and their businesses vulnerable to evolving threats, malicious or otherwise. But amidst all the chaos and complexity, there is good news: You don’t have to do it all.

The State of SME IT in the U.S.

The United States has faced some significant economic headwinds and shifts in the last few years. Even the geographical spread of wealth in the U.S. economy has shifted considerably since the pandemic. Now, an already struggling economy is forecast to continue to slow. What does this mean for small- to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the U.S.? In a recent survey, JumpCloud asked this question to over 300 IT professionals working at SMEs in the U.S. Read on to learn the results.