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March 2023

GitGuardian vs. Custom-Built Secrets Detection Tools

DIY or open-source secrets detection can seem cost-effective and customizable initially... until you start hitting the first obstacles like scalability, developer experience (DX), or deep application security expertise. Read on to find out how GitGuardian can help you rise above these!

New language-specific Snyk Top 10 for open source vulnerabilities

Developers use open source code because it facilitates fast development. In fact, the vast majority of code in modern applications is open source. But just like any other code, open source libraries are open to vulnerabilities that can negatively affect a wide range of end-user products. So with widespread usage of open source, it's important for teams to be aware of the risks that can be hidden in the libraries they use.

How To Setup Velero Backups On EKS Using IAM Roles for Service Accounts (IRSA)

Velero is an open-source tool that allows you to backup and restore your Kubernetes cluster resources and persistent volumes. Velero backups support a number of different storage providers including AWS S3. The process of setting up Velero backup with S3 using AWS credentials has been documented by Velero here. However, at the time of this post, there is no official documentation on how to set up Velero using IRSA or IAM Roles for Service Accounts.

FINOS: The State of Open Source in Financial Services

In partnership with Mend, the Fintech Open Source Foundation (FINOS) recently published its report, “The 2022 State of Open Source in Financial Services.” The report serves up a set of fascinating insights into the pace of open source adoption in the financial services sector. From optimizing benefits to overcoming obstacles, the report provides a valuable snapshot of open source software adoption in finance. Here’s a quick look at the report’s key findings.