Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

February 2023

Why Cybersecurity Training and Courses Should Be Mandatory in Healthcare Education?

Earlier, even prior to the digitalization of healthcare records, it was still easier to keep the information secure and private. Records were in the physical form and could be protected in many ways. Now that people can pull up their entire health histories with the press of a few buttons, things are very different. With the information now being stored and processed online, the threat and risk exposures are equally high. So, to address such threats the U.S.

Five key data privacy trends for 2023

With growing volumes of personal data being collected, analyzed, shared and stored, there is more expectation than ever on businesses to ensure privacy for their employees, clients and wider supply chain. The digital age has streamlined ways of working, improved the targeting and personalization of services and communications and made detailed information available at the touch of a screen. But personal data is exactly that – personal.

Audit Log: Feature Guide for Security and Compliance

In computing, an audit log is a record of an event. An event is any significant action that impacts the hardware or software of a computer – anything from a mouse click to a program error. Besides documenting which resources were accessed and what for, an audit file system will also include the source and destination addresses, the timestamp, and the user ID information.

Understanding the Total Cost of Cybersecurity Compliance Webinar Recording Feb2023

Join NeoSystems for this candid webinar discussion where we will break down the cost factors for compliance using real-world solutions and address costs that are often overlooked. We will provide a "total cost of compliance" view and offer recommendations on how to keep costs affordable and under control.

Introducing Custom Frameworks to the Vanta Platform

As organizations grow in size and complexity, so do their security and compliance needs. While Vanta's library of controls and supported frameworks are extensive, eventually, you may wish to use your internal expertise to build a framework Vanta doesn't support or create custom controls. ‍ Today we are excited to introduce custom frameworks and enhancements to custom controls to help you improve your workflows, organize your security commitments, and manage your work at scale. ‍

The Differences Between SOC 2 vs. ISO 27001

SOC 2 and ISO 27001 are compliance frameworks commonly required of organizations that house data or store sensitive information. Both standards focus on information security management, but they have some key differences in their approach and scope. Let’s take a closer look at the differences between SOC 2 and ISO 27001, and see if one or both are right for your organization.

Meet Mick England: The DPO that Led Robin's SOC 2 & ISO 27001 Compliance

Out of his 29 years of cloud and security experience, Mick has been with Robin for 6, leading their internal compliance operations and making sure that their customers’ data is secure. Robin needed to get SOC 2. They also wanted a way to answer security questionnaires faster. Continue on to see how Mick was able accomplish both.

Arctic Wolf Helps Edmentum Have Confidence in Their Data Confidentiality

As a provider of digital, online curriculums for personalized learning experience both across the US and around the globe, the pandemic caused Edmentum to scale, fast. That growth in business required a new dedication to security as the organization needs to keep their clients’ data safe while maintaining regional, state, and federal compliance.

What Is MAS TRM?

All financial institutions operating in Singapore are required to comply with the MAS TRM guidelines in order to operate legally. In order to ensure the safety of their operations, customers, as well as the wider financial system, financial institutions are required to conduct regular risk assessments and implement appropriate risk management measures.

Most Common HECVAT Violations (And How to Avoid Them)

The HECVAT (Higher Education Community Vendor Assessment Toolkit) was developed by the Higher Education Information Security Council (HEISC) as an initiative to help higher education institutions better protect their data, prevent the risk of data breaches, and measure the cyber risk of third-party solution providers.

How should PHI be de-identified in accordance with the HIPAA Privacy Rule?

HIPAA Security Rules and Privacy Rules were established to secure the Protected Health Information (PHI) data of patients that healthcare organizations collect, process, and/or transmit. The regulation has identified 18 HIPAA Identifiers that are considered as Personally Identifiable Information (PII) which is a part of the PHI data.

3 Ways Visualization Improves Cloud Asset Management and Security

Public cloud services and cloud assets are agile and dynamic environments. Close oversight of these assets is a critical component of your asset management and security practices. While it’s important to understand the relationships and potential vulnerabilities of your cloud assets, the practice of managing these systems is complicated by the ever-changing nature of cloud environments.

RFP Software vs. Security Questionnaire Automation

RFPs and security questionnaires make the world of sales and procurement go round. They’re both vital tools to help buyers assess potential relationships with vendors and ensure proper criteria are met before entering into any binding contracts. And while they serve an important role in the sales process, the burden they put on buyers and vendors alike has led to the creation of tools to streamline the process for all involved. Can you use a one-size-fits-all solution?

How Automated Identity Management Can Help Solve the Compliance Puzzle

Have you ever received a puzzle as a gift from a well-intentioned friend? They likely thought something along the lines of, “Hey, this person’s into solving problems — I bet they’d love putting together this bad boy on a rainy day.” The sentiment was spot-on. Puzzles are your thing.

BOD 23-01 April 3, 2023, Deadline for Federal Agencies: Are You Ready?

On October 3, 2022 the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) issued Binding Operational Directive 23-01 – Improving Asset Visibility and Vulnerability Detection on Federal Networks, a compulsory order intended to “make measurable progress toward enhancing visibility into agency assets and associated vulnerabilities.” BOD 23-01 mandates that Federal Civilian Executive Branch (FEEB) agencies complete a series of required actions within six months, or by April 3, 2023.

What Is CCPA Compliance?

Today, privacy is an issue that has become more relevant than ever to individuals and businesses alike. As a result, many users are taking steps to protect their data. The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) is a law that was enacted in order to provide greater protection and control over the personal information of California residents.

How to achieve and maintain data compliance in 2023

Only those hiding from the news, prospects, and customers can miss the data security and privacy challenges that are occurring. More businesses are relying on data analytics (garnered from data collection) for more and improved service and product offerings. More individuals want data privacy and security. More nations want their citizens protected from corporate tactics that rely on mining and scraping personal data. More customers want tailored experiences that only come through data analytics.

Making Cal-Secure Work for California Government Agencies

As the world’s largest sub-national economy, California IT leaders sought to prioritize a sustainable cyber future with Cal-Secure, a roadmap for any organization within California’s multi-layered government system to reach a high level of cyber maturity, from the largest state agencies to the smallest towns. The framework contains specific goals related to people, process, and technology as well as having different expectations for state, local, education and private sector entities requiring strong collaboration to ensure its success.

Complying with the National Cybersecurity Authority Regulations

In this session, Sangmesh Hiremath (Founder Marmin.AI) talks to Venky about how cybersecurity is a crucial driver for their business to expand and grow in Saudi Arabia, the Middle East, and European markets. He shares the steps one can take to comply for business in a country and meet cybersecurity compliance for qualifying for a contract 📄. For any SaaS business that wishes to expand its presence in the above-said markets, an investment of 20mins on this podcast can help you save three months of research on AppSec and Compliance.🔐

List of Cybersecurity Laws and Regulations in the UK

The digital threat landscape in the United Kingdom (UK) continues to evolve as businesses that undergo a massive transition towards increased digitalization and cloud-based migrations are forced to change their IT system operations. More importantly, UK laws and regulations must also adapt to ensure that UK businesses and organizations are working to improve their cybersecurity posture and IT infrastructure to protect data security and privacy.

Compliance and adoption for companies using the Cloud

Cloud adoption and use in corporate environments are rising, and its future looks bright. Business spending on Cloud services indicates this upward trend, as it increased by 29% in the second quarter of the year compared to the same period last year. Cloud migration has ushered in changes to regulations to consolidate data security according to the nature of the business.

Vulnerability scanning tools: What are they and how should they be used?

Part of the challenge of creating a robust security posture is collecting the right toolbox full of tools and services. There’s a wide world out there full of tools that can enhance your security, but one of the most productive types of tools every organization needs is a vulnerability scanning tool. To help you navigate these types of tools and recognize how they fit into your information security system, we’re taking a closer look at these tools and how they work. ‍

ISO 27001 welcomes Threat Intelligence

In my previous article I defined what is Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI), described how to measure it and explained why it is important to implement a CTI program that can serve different stakeholders with different types of intelligence requirements in order to have a proactive security approach. 2022 was a productive year for ISO (International Organization for Standardization) security standards.

Automate Cloud compliance with Snyk Cloud

Audits are challenging. Especially when it comes to assessing abstract compliance standards against multiple cloud environments, unique cloud infrastructure setups, and many possible (mis)configurations. To help our customers automate compliance assessments, Snyk Cloud now supports 10+ compliance standards— including CIS Benchmarks for AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud, SOC 2, PCI DSS, ISO 27001, HIPAA, and more.

Log Management Key to Meeting OMB-21-31 Requirements

Last Summer, President Biden issued Executive Order 14028 to help boost and improve government cybersecurity operations in response to increased threats worldwide. Memorandum OMB-21-31 from the Office of Management and Budget soon followed, which explained the critical role data log collection and analysis play across all branches of the Federal Government.

Make Compliance a Breeze with Modern Log Management

From manufacturers in Michigan to fintechs in Finland, every business must comply with industry regulations — which are increasingly constraining. At the same time, businesses must protect and account for a growing number of systems, applications and data in order to remain compliant. In other words, compliance is getting harder. Enter log management. While regulations vary by country and industry, nearly every organization must store compliance-relevant information for a certain period of time.

5 Steps to Compliance with the Nigeria Data Protection Regulation

NITDA launched the ground-breaking Nigeria Data Protection Regulation (NDPR) in early 2019, cementing a culture of data privacy and protection for all Nigerians. By mirroring Europe's GDPR Framework, NITDA demonstrated its commitment to safeguarding citizens' online security. Private organizations, such as mobile development companies that control or process data, must comply with this regulation to stay operational. Fortunately, we're here to help you avoid any costly missteps.

SOC 2 Compliance for SaaS Startups & Top Pitfalls to Avoid | Raghu (Co-Founder, Sprinto)

Overview: In this session, Raghu (Co-Founder, Sprinto) discusses with Venky how SaaS Startups have to upgrade their security standards significantly to become SOC 2 compliant and the major pitfalls they should avoid. He differentiates between SOC 1, SOC 2, & SOC 3 compliance in super-easy terms and highlights some overlapping parameters between security standards like ISO 27001, PCI DSS, HIPPA, GDPR, etc.

Startups! Here's Your Guide to SOC 2: Readiness Assessment

A readiness assessment is the dry run before the official audit, so you can address potential issues before the actual audit takes place. It is not required, buthighlyrecommended to identify any gaps and plan resource allocation. Proper preparation is key – not only will you save time and resources, you’ll ensure a successful audit. Readiness assessments can be conducted by your organization’s internal resources, a CPA firm, or a consulting company.

How a vCISO can help you with ISO 27001 compliance

Information security is a major concern for many businesses for two reasons. Firstly is persistent threat of cyber attacks and data breaches. That’s why strong information security is a requirement to ensure the security of business and personal data. Secondly, it’s a key business enabler, with a push in recent times for all parts of a supply chain to become ISO 27001 certified.

When is the right time for vulnerability scanning?

All it takes for cybercriminals to breach your mission-critical networks, database, and IT systems is a single unpatched vulnerability. To prevent this and maintain good cyber hygiene, you need to obtain real-time vulnerability data. ‍ Vulnerability scans generate a lot of data that when analyzed reveal several security flaws.

Striving for 100% Completion Rates: Getting Compliance on Your Compliance Training

Anything but 100% completion on your employee compliance training is often more than simply frustrating. Compliance audits and regulatory requirements can make anything less than 100% feel like a failure. But, getting compliance on your compliance training is possible! Organizations have struggled for years with getting everyone to complete their required compliance training. This puts organizations at risk of more incidents occurring, fines or reputational damage if an employee is non-compliant.