
Boston, MA, USA
  |  By Tejas Ranade
Expanded support for multi business units, locations, and products. With multiple segments support across TrustCloud, you can develop and visualize your GRC requirements across business units, locations, and products. You can segment responsibilities and determine hierarchical impact through transparent parent-child relationships.
  |  By Tejas Ranade
This month we have something big: Our new Third Party Risk Assessment app, TPRA. And it’s now available to current customers!
  |  By TrustCloud
AI-Powered Security Questionnaire Responses for Multiple Products, Business Units, and Regions, so Global Enterprises Save Time and Reduce Risk in Customer Assurance Workflows.
  |  By Tejas Ranade
You know us: Every month we’re cooking up something new! Here are the updates that hit TrustCloud this month. TrustShare GraphAI will answer questionnaires for you with accurate, high-quality responses. TrustShare is getting a huge AI glow up. GraphAI’s generative AI capabilities will now fill in answers that are more context aware, more natural, and more accurate than ever before.
  |  By Tejas Ranade
While AI has created exciting new opportunities for business, it has created urgent questions around ethics, responsible use, development, and management. AI also introduces a new, and often nebulous, element of organizational risk. With the introduction of two frameworks, ISO 42001 and NIST AI RMF, companies can now implement, demonstrate, track, and build their responsibility and trust around AI. TrustCloud is very pleased to announce that we support both ISO 42001 and NIST AI RMF.
  |  By Tejas Ranade
TrustCloud’s AI already pre-fills up to 80% of a security questionnaire, but we’ve developed the next iteration. TrustShare has built new generative AI capabilities called GraphAI. GraphAI will still find the right answer for a security questionnaire topic, but now it will better account for context and generate more natural, accurate responses based on your program controls. GraphAI is built on a retrieval-augmented generative (RAG) model on our large language model (LLM).
  |  By Tejas Ranade
You know us: Every month we’re cooking up something new! Here are the latest updates to hit TrustCloud this month. TrustShare Import your knowledge base without going through the questionnaire import process. Now you can import your knowledge base in one click without having to wait. Importing your knowledge base also won’t impact your total questionnaire usage counts, which will make it easier to keep track of your total questionnaire usage.
  |  By TrustCloud
Wright Joins TrustCloud as the company expands solutions for customers, partners and auditors, and invests in its own security program.
  |  By Tejas Ranade
TrustCloud gets better every day! Here are some new features our teams have rolled out in the new year.
  |  By Satya Moutairou
Service organizations often undergo SOC (Service Organization Control) attestation to assure clients and stakeholders of the effectiveness of their internal controls. Two prominent frameworks within the SOC domain are SOC 1 and SOC 2, each designed to address specific facets of a service organization’s controls. Read on to learn how to compare SOC 1 vs SOC 2 attestations.
  |  By TrustCloud
TrustCloud supports several standards and frameworks out of the box, including SOC 2, CMMC, and ISO 9001, to name a few. The best part is that TrustCloud is constantly adding new frameworks to expand the TrustCloud Common Control Framework (TCCCF). Organizations, regulations, and business needs are constantly evolving, and therefore, you might need certain frameworks that are currently not supported by the TrustCloud platform. To enable you to meet your ever-evolving framework needs, TrustCloud now offers the flexibility of creating your own custom frameworks and standards.
  |  By TrustCloud
An inventory is a specific list of data that is gathered to provide information about a certain part of the business. The inventory is inspected by an automated test or by a human to determine if one or more controls are satisfied and to analyze the results of the inventory. Examples of inventories are users, security incidents, devices, servers, databases, logs, etc.
  |  By TrustCloud
What do OkCupid quizzes and generic security questionnaires have in common? More than you might think. James Scheffler, Head of GRC at DataRobot, explains why one size definitely doesn't fit all. That’s why TrustShare allows prospects to conduct a virtual audit and get the information they need from your trust portal. When a questionnaire is unavoidable, our AI-powered solution pre-fills up to 90% with accurate, context-aware answers - and citations to prove it!
  |  By TrustCloud
As businesses increasingly rely on AI to drive innovation and efficiency, ensuring that these systems are used ethically and safely becomes paramount. We’re here to help you build your blueprint to effective AI governance, stay compliant with global standards, and mitigate potential risks.
  |  By TrustCloud
James Scheffler from Data Robot shares how TrustShare helped him reduce Data Robot's turnaround time on security questionnaires and speed up their sales process.
  |  By TrustCloud
What is ISO 42001? Who needs ISO 42001? How can TrustCloud help you track ISO 42001?
  |  By TrustCloud
How TrustCloud leverages the work you do now and sets you up for success in the future as well. Gap analysis is designed to give you insight into other compliance standards and your gaps with them. If you are looking to pursue other standards, this tool is great for determining the level of effort required from your team.
  |  By TrustCloud
We make it effortless to set up a comprehensive and personalized compliance program!
  |  By TrustCloud
Overview of the Vendors page in TrustCloud.

Accelerate revenue and earn trust with a unified, joyful compliance platform.

TrustCloud makes it effortless to respond to security questionnaires, confidently share your security and compliance program with customers, and complete compliance certifications by automating your program with APIs, using AI to reduce manual work, and testing your controls and policies to achieve continuous compliance and earn trust.

A single platform for security, sales, marketing & HR teams:

  • Programmatic security & privacy programs: Tell us about your product and business stack, and we'll generate customized controls, tests, policies, and other compliance artifacts that are easy to adopt and understand. With automation to collect evidence and a common controls framework, you can easily meet requirements to multiple standards simultaneously.
  • AI-powered security questionnaires: We use machine-learning and natural language processing to populate accurate answers from previous questionnaires, and controls and policies in your Trust Cloud. Complete security questionnaires quickly, without manual updates and endless back-and forth, to better support sales and win business.
  • Effortlessly achieve and maintain compliance: We analyze your compliance program, map it to multiple standards, generate API-based automated tests and easy-to-understand tasks, and prioritize them to effortlessly achieve audit-readiness. Work with your auditor or an auditor in our network to quickly, cost-effectively, and successfully complete your audits.
  • Be proactive and truthful with customers: We auto-generate an elegant, branded, comprehensive portal to promote your trust and compliance program with your customers. Differentiate your business from your competitors by showing your customers that you are serious about honoring your security, privacy, and trust obligations.

Trust management for your entire team.