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A CISO's View on the State of API Security: Discussing the API ThreatStats Report, Q2 2024

API exploits represent one of the fastest growing threat vectors–a trend that will continue to accelerate as the increasingly AI-driven digital economy grows. Join veteran CISO and application security expert Mike Wilkes and Wallarm’s VP of Product, Tim Erlin, as they discuss the state of API security and where it is heading. Drawing upon their extensive industry experience as well as insights drawn from the Wallarm API ThreatStats Report Q2, 2024.

A CISO's Checklist For Securing APIs And Applications

Building a robust API and application security program is a key objective for security leaders in any market. But developing and maintaining an effective security program for your APIs and web applications requires: ‍- A deep understanding of the right approach to implementing API and application security.

"It's so important that the CISO gets a seat at the table": a Q&A with Trace3's Gina Yacone

A leading voice in cybersecurity, Gina Yacone is a trusted advisor to senior security leaders, guiding them through emerging trends and recommending strategies to strengthen defenses. She was also recently named Cybersecurity Woman Volunteer of the Year 2024. As regional and advisory CISO at the elite technology consultancy Trace3, she also participates in the Trace3 AI Center of Excellence (CoE) Champion Program, keeping her at the forefront of AI and security innovation.

How CISO as a Service can Improve Your Security Posture and Reduce Costs

Cybersecurity is a critical and complex challenge for every business in today’s digital world. However, not every business has the resources, expertise, or time to manage its security effectively and efficiently. That’s where CISO as a Service comes in. CISO as a Service is a flexible and scalable solution that provides you with access to a dedicated and experienced Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) and their team of security professionals.

"Better context in a world that's changing quickly": Leading CISOs discuss AI's role in SecOps

Earlier this month, I was thrilled to join forces with the team at Dark Reading for a webinar on the future of AI in security operations. Titled CISO Perspectives: How to make AI an accelerator, not a blocker, the webinar allowed me to take a deep dive into the future role of AI in security with some of the most knowledgeable CISOs on the subject, Mandy Andress of Elastic and Matt Hillary of Drata.

CISOs At The Forefront Of DevOps Security - Top 10 Data Protection Traps

Shared Responsibility Models, NIS2, DORA, or SOC 2 & ISO audits, accidental deletions, and the evolving threat landscape in SaaS apps confirms that DevOps Security becomes a priority. CISOs and DevOps teams need to meet halfway to secure data processed across GitHub, GitLab, and Atlassian, without compromising agility and efficiency. However, finding this middle ground is not an easy task.

CISOs are concerned about new AI pressures - what can they do about it?

The pressure on security teams has never been greater. With an ever-evolving threat landscape, resource constraints, and now the rapid adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies, Chief Information Security Officers (CISOs) are facing unprecedented challenges. This was one of the clear takeaways from our recent report CISO perspectives: separating the reality of AI from the hype, in which 53 CISOs shared their opinions and experiences of AI’s impact on their security operations.

CISO Strategies Post-CrowdStrike to Safeguard the Balance Sheet

The ubiquitous CrowdStrike incident resulted in a major diversion of resources, with some hard-hit organizations assigning almost all of their IT and security personnel to damage control. As a CISO of an impacted organization, you will likely be required to answer for a lack of resilience to this type of event. To support your decision-making as you reevaluate your resilience budgets, this post outlines four resilience strategies based on key learnings from the CrowdStrike event.

How CISOs Should Handle Future CrowdStrike-type Breaches

SolarWinds, MOVEit, Knight Capital, and now CrowdStrike. The vendor ecosystem will remain a major playing field for operational disruptions. But are you ready for the next inevitable event? As a CISO, your response to such a question from the board shouldn't be anything less than a resounding "Yes!" Here are five plans of action to help your organization survive the next major IT quake, whether it's due to another rusty security update or a third-party breach.