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March 2020

Audit Checklist for Social Compliance

A social compliance audit, also known as a social audit, is an effective way to determine if an organization is complying with socially responsible principles. Social compliance refers to how a company protects the health and safety as well as the rights of its employees, the community, and the environment where it operates in addition to the lives and communities of workers in its distribution chain and its supply chain.

Coronavirus and Risk Management

As news and information regarding the #coronavirus continue to emerge, the situation has raised many #questions around pandemic and #crisis planning for businesses. By #investing now in the development, implementation, and maintenance of a viable business continuity management (BCM) program, organizations can provide the most #effective approach to restoring and resuming critical and essential functions and processes. ................

The Most Important Security Metrics to Maintain Compliance

Every week, dozens of data breaches are reported with some reaching into the tens, or even hundreds of millions of individuals impacted. Customers and regulators alike are increasingly concerned about the information security programs of organizations and how they plan to prevent security incidents and safeguard sensitive data.

The War of Passwords: Compliance vs NIST

The most recent National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) guidelines have been updated for passwords in section 800-63B. The document no longer recommends combinations of capital letters, lower case letters, numbers and special characters. Yet most companies and systems still mandate these complexity requirements for passwords. What gives?

Best Practices for Compliance Monitoring in Cybersecurity

Regulatory compliance monitoring is a key component of any cybersecurity program. But it's becoming increasingly difficult to ensure you are meeting your regulatory requirements. Driven by an increasing web of complex extraterritorial laws, industry-specific regulations, and general data protection laws. This is not a valid excuse for non-compliance. Regulators and lawmakers will impose significant fines on organizations that aren't able to align their cybersecurity and compliance programs.