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June 2024

The Benefits and Challenges of Decentralized Cloud Computing for Modern Companies

Cloud computing has changed the way companies process and store their data. It has allowed for more flexibility and has given companies the ability to access their data and conduct operations from remote locations. This has allowed companies to recruit and manage employees who live outside their office locations, giving them access to global talent while saving costs.

Custom Frameworks

TrustCloud supports several standards and frameworks out of the box, including SOC 2, CMMC, and ISO 9001, to name a few. The best part is that TrustCloud is constantly adding new frameworks to expand the TrustCloud Common Control Framework (TCCCF). Organizations, regulations, and business needs are constantly evolving, and therefore, you might need certain frameworks that are currently not supported by the TrustCloud platform. To enable you to meet your ever-evolving framework needs, TrustCloud now offers the flexibility of creating your own custom frameworks and standards.

Inventory - What is it? How can you use it as evidence?

An inventory is a specific list of data that is gathered to provide information about a certain part of the business. The inventory is inspected by an automated test or by a human to determine if one or more controls are satisfied and to analyze the results of the inventory. Examples of inventories are users, security incidents, devices, servers, databases, logs, etc.

SBOM Attestation by 3PAOs: Everything You Need to Know

In the past, we’ve written a lot about FedRAMP certification and the way the Ignyte platform can help you with record-keeping and the overall process. We’ve largely glossed over the role that the third-party assessment organization plays, hand-waving it as a relationship you build between your chosen 3PAO and your own organization. As a certified 3PAO, however, we do have a unique insight into this process.

TrustCloud Product Updates: June 2024

Expanded support for multi business units, locations, and products. With multiple segments support across TrustCloud, you can develop and visualize your GRC requirements across business units, locations, and products. You can segment responsibilities and determine hierarchical impact through transparent parent-child relationships.

How 360 Cameras Usher in a New Era of Trucking Safety

In the ever-growing transportation field, driver and fleet protection remains paramount. The trucking industry is constantly seeking ways to mitigate risks and ensure the well-being of drivers, passengers, and fellow road users. There were 13.86 million single-unit and combination trucks registered in 2021, as per the American Trucking Association. It represents 5% of all motor vehicles registered.
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Six steps to protecting data in financial services companies

There is no shortage of news headlines about companies falling victim to cyber breaches and the astounding costs associated with them. According to the IBM Cost of a Data Breach Report 2023, the global average cost of a data breach in 2023 was $4.45 million, a 15% increase since 2020. For the financial services industry, the cost is even higher at $5.9 million per breach; that is 28% above the global average.

Simplifying FedRAMP Compliance with Teleport

FedRAMP compliance is notoriously challenging, but it doesn't have to derail your DevOps flow or tech stack. Discover how Teleport’s robust infrastructure access and security platform addresses some of the toughest questions and hurdles in the FedRAMP process, empowering engineering, compliance, and security leaders to implement and enforce security controls seamlessly.

Data Blizzard Hits LA Schools: Students data stolen in Snowflake Hack

In a recent development that has raised concerns across the education sector, Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) has confirmed a significant data breach involving student information. The breach, linked to a hack of the district’s Snowflake account, has exposed sensitive data pertaining to students and employees enrolled in the sprawling district. Snowflake is a cloud database platform used by companies worldwide to store their data.

Cybersecurity's Next Frontier: SEC's Game Plan for a More Secure Financial World

In 2023 alone, there were over 3,200 reported cyberattacks, with over 350 million victims in the United States. That’s not to mention the undetected or failed attacks by these cybercriminals, both external and internal, to get access to sensitive data and customers’ Personal Identifiable Information (PII).

Why outdated access control is putting your data at risk

Imagine this: you wake up to a notification – your company has suffered a data breach. Fear sets in as you think about what this means: customer data exposed, your company’s reputation damaged, and big fines on the horizon. In today’s digital landscape, this scenario is too common. Organizations worldwide face penalties for non-compliance with regulations, such as fines of up to $50,000 per incident for violating HIPAA.

PIPEDA Compliance Guide

The Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) is a Canadian data privacy law that governs how private sector organizations collect, use, and disclose personal information when conducting commercial activities. By setting strict requirements for private businesses, PIPEDA ensures that individuals and customers have control over how their data is managed.

Cyber Essentials Certification-Everything You Need to Know to Meet Compliance

In today’s digital world, cyber threats are a constant concern for businesses of all sizes. According to a 2024 survey by the UK government’s Department for Science, Innovation & Technology (DSIT), 74% of large and 70% of medium businesses reported experiencing a recent cyber attack. Data breaches, malware attacks, and phishing scams can cripple operations and damage your reputation.

New usability enhancements make compliance easier than ever for startups

For startup leaders, getting compliant with common security and privacy frameworks, like SOC 2 and ISO 27001, is often necessary to unlock new revenue streams, expand upmarket, and prove trust. ‍ While there’s a clear need to get compliant, this process is often time-consuming, manual, and full of “one step forward, two steps back” moments.

Securing Your Wealth: How Cybersecurity Affects Investment Decisions

The frequency and sophistication of cyber threats make cybersecurity a critical factor in any company. Therefore, investors should be more vigilant, recognizing that a company’s cybersecurity posture can significantly impact its financial health and stability. This article highlights the need for robust cybersecurity strategies and how these can determine investment decisions.

Accelerate FedRAMP Compliance with Teleport's Access Platform

FedRAMP authorization can take years. The process is time-consuming, expensive and risky, requiring extensive human capital and dedicated technical resources from the initial project standup through continuous monitoring and compliance reporting before an Authorization To Operate (ATO) has been achieved. The Teleport Access Platform significantly reduces the time, cost and risk associated with FedRAMP compliance by addressing many of the most difficult FedRAMP control requirements.

Questionnaires: OkCupid vs. Security

What do OkCupid quizzes and generic security questionnaires have in common? More than you might think. James Scheffler, Head of GRC at DataRobot, explains why one size definitely doesn't fit all. That’s why TrustShare allows prospects to conduct a virtual audit and get the information they need from your trust portal. When a questionnaire is unavoidable, our AI-powered solution pre-fills up to 90% with accurate, context-aware answers - and citations to prove it!

What Are the Benefits of FedRAMP Certification in 2024?

FedRAMP, the federal risk and authorization management program, is a comprehensive and structured way to develop a security – mostly cybersecurity – position when working with the federal government. It’s a framework meant for contractors and third-party businesses that handle information for the government and who need to keep it secure. The question is, if you’re a cloud service provider, what are the benefits of implementing FedRAMP?

Learn about ISO 27001 Penetration Testing and its requirements

ISO 27001, the internationally recognised standard for information security management systems (ISMS), provides a framework for organisations to protect their valuable information assets. Penetration testing is crucial in preventing data breaches and maintaining the business’s reputation. ISO 27001 strongly recommends it as a critical tool for assessing an organisation’s security posture and ensuring compliance with control A.12.6.1, which focuses on managing technical vulnerabilities.

Understanding the Cyber Risks in Video Communication

With the surge in remote work and virtual meetings, video communication is crucial for businesses and individuals. However, this convenience comes with significant cyber risks that can compromise sensitive information and privacy. Therefore, this article explores the common cyber threats in video communication and provides strategies to mitigate them.

Expanding the Vanta API to connect auditor tools

Vanta has helped auditors automate and simplify thousands of compliance audits, and we’re now making the process even easier. Today we’re excited to share that we’ve added new endpoints for auditor tools to the Vanta API, leading to a better collaboration experience for auditors and customers. ‍ With our new API endpoints, audit partners can integrate their tools with Vanta, allowing them to work in their preferred systems.

Your AI Governance Blueprint: A Guide to ISO 42001 & NIST AI RMF

As businesses increasingly rely on AI to drive innovation and efficiency, ensuring that these systems are used ethically and safely becomes paramount. We’re here to help you build your blueprint to effective AI governance, stay compliant with global standards, and mitigate potential risks.

Data Disaster: Los Angeles Public Health Department Suffers Biggest Data Breach

On June 17, 2024, the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health (DPH) disclosed a data breach impacting more than 200,000 clients, employees, and other individuals. The stolen data includes personal, medical and financial information. The DPH said the incident took place between February 19-20, 2024, was caused by a gang of cyber criminals who gained access to the log-in credentials of email accounts of 53 employees through a phishing email.

NIS2 vs SOC2 - Core Differences

The NIS2 Directive is the EU-wide legislation on cybersecurity that came into force in 2023, following rules introduced in 2016 (NIS). NIS2 expanded the scope of sectors and entities who need to (legally) comply with the framework. The increased scope aimed to cover the “most” critical sectors, which are vital for the economy and society, though are heavily reliant on IT.

NIS2 is Coming - How Should You Handle the New Incident Reporting Obligations?

October is rapidly approaching, and that means new cybersecurity regulations known as NIS2 are set to be enacted by European Union (EU) member states. States are required to publish their local version of the NIS2 Directive into law by the 17th of October. Whilst many countries are well on track, however, some have already acknowledged they will not meet the deadline. This delay leaves organisations somewhat in the dark as to what they will need to comply with and by when.

Advanced Data Security: Safeguarding Your Business In The Digital Age

Data is the driving force behind businesses in this digital age. From customer information and financial records to trade secrets and proprietary research, these digital assets are invaluable. As cyber threats evolve, safeguarding your organization’s data has become an utmost priority. Whether you’re a small business owner, a corporate leader, or an Information and Communication Technology (ICT) specialist, the consequences of a data breach are severe and far-reaching.

Getting Started with Microsoft 365 Security and Compliance

In 2022, Microsoft rebranded its compliance and risk management tools under the name Microsoft Purview. Microsoft Purview provides a wealth of valuable functionality, including capabilities formerly provided by tools like Office 365 Security and Compliance, Microsoft 365 Security Center and Microsoft Compliance Manager.

Here's Why Regulatory Compliance is Important

You don’t have to jump through endless hoops to achieve regulatory compliance. By finding an easy way to comply with the right laws, regulations, and industry standards, regulatory compliance can offer several benefits for companies. Specific compliance requirements vary by industry and country. But in general, implementing regulatory compliance is a mandatory requirement for every sector and every company in countries with a robust business and economic landscape.

A Guide to Complying with the Australian Signals Directorate

The Australian Signals Directorate (ASD) is a government agency responsible for providing foreign signals intelligence and ensuring information security for Australia’s national interests. The ASD also significantly enhances the nation’s cybersecurity through strategic advice, standards, and protective measures.

A Guide to New Zealand's Cybersecurity Standards

In an age of increasingly complex cyber threats, New Zealand has implemented robust cybersecurity standards to secure the online environment for individuals, businesses, and government entities. New Zealand's cybersecurity approach is unique and effective, from the overarching strategies laid out by national cybersecurity policies to specific regulatory requirements that impact sectors like healthcare and finance.

FedRAMP vs. ISO 27001: How They Compare and Which Do You Need?

In the world of security, there are many different frameworks that may be relevant or important to your plans. We’ve talked a lot about FedRAMP, the federal government’s security framework, but it’s only one of many options. Others, from HIPAA to FISMA to SOC2, can all have their role. One of the biggest and most direct equivalents to FedRAMP is ISO 27001. What is it, how does it compare to FedRAMP, and which one should you use? Let’s talk about it. Table of Contents 1.

How To Ensure HIPAA Compliance With a Password Manager

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) is U.S. legislation created to set national privacy and security standards to protect the privacy of patient health information and prevent data breaches. All organizations associated with healthcare, including health insurance companies and business associates, fall under HIPAA regulations – meaning they have to comply with HIPAA compliance requirements.

HIPAA Email Security: A Guide for Healthcare Organizations

This article is a must-read guide on email security in healthcare. It analyzes the regulatory complexities of HIPAA, outlines practical strategies for secure communications, and sheds insights into why your healthcare organization may need to take action. By the end of reading this guide, you’ll be able to make informed choices regarding your email practices.

8 Steps to Navigating Cybersecurity Data Compliance

Cybersecurity compliance is complicated. As industry standards change and evolve with new technology, so do compliance requirements. Depending on your organization’s operations, industry, or even location, compliance could mean adhering to multiple frameworks and reporting to multiple governing bodies. In fact, 67% of organizations surveyed by Arctic Wolf follow between one to three sets of guidelines.

Cost, convenience, and compliance: The value for insurers of the Forrester Total Economic Impact Study

The growing sophistication of threat actors, supply chain disruptions, and the potential for systemic and catastrophic losses make for a precarious landscape for insurers and those seeking insurance. To help customers reduce risk at scale, insurers and brokers must adopt technology in order to visualize vulnerabilities while also forecasting, quantifying, and monitoring risks.

Breaking Compliance into Bite-Sized Portions

Many companies strive to achieve the best security possible. Along the path to improved security, many companies are also required to meet various compliance standards. In some cases, compliance is also a regulatory requirement. This crossroad between security and compliance can sometimes seem at odds with the organization’s goals. Compliance does not always equal security.

Best cyber security companies in Dubai

In an age where cyber-attacks are a constant threat, the importance of cybersecurity has gained importance for individuals and organizations alike to secure their digital assets and protect sensitive information as hackers use increasingly advanced methods to get through security measures to steal private information.

Understanding Zero Trust Network Access and Why Needs It

As flexible working arrangements become increasingly common across every industry, companies need secure, dependable ways to grant remote employees online access to company data, services, and applications. Productivity in today’s highly digital business environment depends upon employees being able to access the systems and information they need for work when needed, from any location.

StateRAMP vs FedRAMP: What's The Difference Between Them?

Here at Ignyte, we’ve talked a lot about FedRAMP, the Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program. As you likely well know, FedRAMP is the federal government’s unified security standard, derived from NIST standardization documents and transformed into a framework to provide a cohesive idea of security across disparate government organizations and contractors. You might wonder, how does this work with state-level agencies and departments?

Five Key Achievements in EU Digital Policy: An Actionable Overview for Corporate Leaders

Digital compliance has become a significant focus for any organisation providing or consuming digital products and services in Europe. With the continuous evolution of digital technology, businesses increasingly struggle to stay on the right side of the law and operate resiliently. So, strategic navigation is crucial.

Enhance NIS2 Compliance: Elevate Your Cybersecurity with Awareness & Culture Before The Deadline

The NIS2 Directive, also known as the Network and Information Security Directive, is a crucial piece of legislation designed to enhance cybersecurity and protect critical infrastructure across the European Union (EU). Building on the previous NIS Directive, it addresses its shortcomings and expands its scope to improve security requirements, reporting obligations, and crisis management capabilities.

SOC 2 certification: 5 things we learned

Maybe you’re considering AICPA SOC 2 certification? Aikido was recently examined to check that our system and the design of our security controls meet the AICPA’s SOC 2 requirements. Because we learned a lot about SOC 2 standards during our audit, we wanted to share some of the insights that we think might be helpful to someone starting the same process. Read our top tips on becoming ISO 27001:2022 compliant.

Solving for CMMC: An Accelerated, Low-Risk Compliance Approach

In a recent webinar, NeoSystems and Deltek unveiled a strategy to help government contractors, compliance officers, and IT professionals achieve Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) swiftly and with minimal risk. Here’s a synthesis of the critical points discussed, offering valuable guidance on how to navigate the complexities of CMMC.

Strengthening compliance and risk management with Elastic Observability: A case for India's banking sector

In navigating the complex landscape of regulatory compliance and risk management, India's banking sector faces unique challenges, particularly in meeting directives outlined by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) and the Indian Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT-In). As organizations strive to adhere to these stringent requirements, Elastic Observability emerges as a powerful ally, offering advanced log analytics capabilities tailored to address regulatory mandates and mitigate operational risks.

How to Create a GDPR-Compliant Password Policy?

If your company has ever worked with businesses in European Union countries, you probably had to follow the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). This rule, which started on May 25, 2018, gives customers more control over their data and makes data collection and use more transparent. A big part of the GDPR is protecting people’s privacy and data from unauthorized access. To do this, companies need a strong password policy.