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The U.S. Cyber Trust Mark: A Shield for Your Smart Life

Let’s be real: your “smart” devices might be the dumbest thing in your house when it comes to your data protection and security. That baby monitor? Hackable. Your home camera? Vulnerable. Even your voice assistant could be spilling secrets you didn’t know it heard. And what about your home router, the nerve center of your connected devices? It’s often an overlooked Achilles’ heel in home security.
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2025 Predictions - Navigating Through the Challenges and Opportunities Ahead

As we enter 2025, the global economic landscape remains a mix of challenges and potential shifts that will shape markets and industries worldwide. From high interest rates to the evolving impact of AI, there are several key factors that will define the year ahead. While there will be friction in some areas, persistence, agility and out-of-the-box thinking will ensure a competitive edge.

Securing Healthcare Data in the Cloud: Navigating Challenges and Best Practices

Attributed to Michael Pride, Senior Sales Director – APAC, Protegrity In recent years, Australia’s healthcare sector has faced significant challenges regarding data privacy. With high-profile breaches exposing sensitive patient information, the responsibility for safeguarding this data has shifted from individuals to organisations.

Protect Your Data within your Generative AI workflow with Protegrity on AWS Bedrock

Collaboratively authored by Anthony Cammarano, Mario Vargas, Muneeb Hasan, Alexandre Charlet, Andre Castro, Vic Levy, Ken Darker and Iwona Rajca Generative AI (GenAI) applications are revolutionizing how businesses interact with data, primarily through Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) pipelines, combining language models with vast enterprise knowledge bases. These pipelines allow organizations to query extensive internal datasets in real time.
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The Key Steps to Ensuring DORA Compliance

As we approach 2025, financial institutions across the EU face the challenge of complying with the Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA), which is set to take effect on the 17th of January. DORA is focused on strengthening cybersecurity and operational resilience across financial ecosystems, with the consequences for non-compliance ranging from regulatory fines to reputational damage and an increased risk of cyberattacks.

Getting Started with Protegrity's API Playground

For organizations handling sensitive data, finding a secure and efficient way to test data protection solutions is crucial. The Protegrity API Playground offers a straightforward way to test Protegrity’s data protection features. The Playground grants you 10,000 API requests after registration to use as you see fit: protecting names, addresses, credit card numbers – or any other data your organization considers secure.
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The Role of Data Security in Protecting Sensitive Information Across the Finance Industry

Data is the fuel that keeps the engine of any organisation running efficiently. Its growing importance is becoming a frequent topic of conversation in boardrooms and strategy meetings. Companies increasingly know the need to protect their sensitive information and continue investing heavily in cybersecurity measures. However, this approach has a critical oversight: The assumption that investing in cybersecurity alone is sufficient to safeguard data.

Using Enterprise Data Security to Stay Ahead of Evolving Compliance Standards

As cybersecurity threats and compliance requirements continually evolve, organizations must take a proactive approach to protect their sensitive data. Protegrity’s data protection solution enables businesses to stay ahead of compliance requirements by offering continuous monitoring, encryption, and automated risk assessments, ensuring that security measures are always up-to-date and aligned with the latest regulatory standards.

Top 3 Best Practices for IT Data Security Compliance

For organizations to maintain trust and stay compliant, it’s essential to approach data security as a multi-layered effort that covers some of the top 3 best practices for IT data security compliance, which include Network Security and Access Control, Incident Response Planning, and Employee Awareness and Training.

Navigating the Future: Cloud Migration Journeys and Data Security

For years, businesses have been chasing innovation with cloud platforms, moving beyond the limitations of legacy technology for greater speed and agility, and sharpening their competitive edge. However, all businesses often face challenges that complicate cloud migration, driving up costs and timelines while exposing the business to data security risks. Ultimately, these challenges block businesses from experiencing the true benefits of cloud integration, and in some cases, lead to significant breaches and regulatory fines.