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The Benefits of Using a 3PL Provider for Your Business

Things are finally taking off for your e-commerce business. Great success! Orders are flooding in faster than you can say "inventory," let alone stock up, and it's all very exciting. But, if we're honest, it's also terrifying. You're buried under mountains of packing tape and shipping labels. Your garage looks like a cardboard apocalypse. Your dream of running a sleek, modern business has turned into a logistical nightmare.

Leading Trucking Company in Chicago, Illinois: An Overview of HMD Trucking

HMD Trucking prides itself on its large, diverse fleet of over 500 vehicles to meet the every-demanding logistics market of Chicago. This impressive pool of over 150 specialized flatbeds, 200 refrigerated trucks, and 100 modern tankers can serve the transport of an entire gamut of goods-from the sensitive ones like dairy products, pharmaceuticals, to heavy construction materials including steel beams and concrete.

Exploring CDL Flatbed Jobs: Tips for Success

Navigating the world of CDL flatbed driving requires a unique blend of skill and adaptability. You are not only delivering cargo as a CDL flatbed driver but also responsibly securing different cargo types, each bringing in its own different sets of challenges. Unlike dry van or refrigerated trucking, oversized or irregularly-shaped items like construction materials are moved by flatbed loads, including heavy machinery. Mastery of securing the load through chains and tarps is important.

CDL A Team Driver Jobs: Tips for Success

The team driving is done under the role as a CDL A team driver. In this role, two drivers work together side-by-side to maximize productivity and help each other in making timely deliveries. The alternative case to solo driving comes up in this situation, as team drivers alternate between driving and resting. This results in the truck moving almost 24/7 and considerably reduces the time for delivery.

How 360 Cameras Usher in a New Era of Trucking Safety

In the ever-growing transportation field, driver and fleet protection remains paramount. The trucking industry is constantly seeking ways to mitigate risks and ensure the well-being of drivers, passengers, and fellow road users. There were 13.86 million single-unit and combination trucks registered in 2021, as per the American Trucking Association. It represents 5% of all motor vehicles registered.