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What Is Ciphertext?

Ciphertext refers to data that is encrypted and unreadable. The only way to read encrypted data is by decrypting it using an encryption key. Since ciphertext can’t be read without providing the encryption key, it’s the best way to protect your sensitive data from prying eyes and unauthorized access. Continue reading to learn more about ciphertext and the important role it plays in cybersecurity.

System Cryptography: A Beginner's Guide

In today’s digitally interconnected world, where data flows freely across networks and devices, ensuring its security is paramount. This is where system cryptography steps in, offering a suite of tools and techniques to safeguard sensitive information from prying eyes and malicious actors. Let’s delve deeper into the realm of system cryptography, exploring its intricacies and significance in modern computing.

SSL/TLS Encryption: Your First Line of Defense in Web Security

Do you own a business website? If yes, cybersecurity should be your top priority. Why? Because, on average, 30,000 websites are hacked every day. That's a new cyberattack happening approximately every 39 seconds somewhere on the Internet.

Nightfall AI launches data encryption and sensitive data protection for emails

Did you know that 41% of breaches involve email? For threat actors, cloud email systems like Gmail and Microsoft Exchange are treasure troves for valuable internal information like PII, PCI, PHI, secrets, and credentials. In order to limit the blast radius of privilege escalation attacks, and to remain in compliance with standards like HIPAA, it’s essential for enterprises to protect thousands of emails per day.

What is an SSL Certificate?

An SSL certificate enables an encrypted rather than a plain-text connection and verifies websites are secure. It stands for Secure Sockets Layer and creates an encrypted link between the server on which a site is hosted and the visitors' browsers. SSL certificates allow websites to use HTTPS, the more secure version of HTTP. The website's origin server hosts the SSL certificate, which is a data file. SSL certificates enable SSL/TLS encryption and contain the website's public key.

Harden Cipher Suites for Robust TLS/SSL Encryption

Cipher suites are a set of cryptographic algorithms utilized by the schannel SSP implementation of TLS/SSL protocols. These algorithms are employed to generate keys and encrypt data. Each cipher suite designates specific algorithms for the following functions: In TLS 1.2 and TLS 1.3, the NSA suggests using cryptographic settings that meet the standards in CNSSP 15, known as Commercial National Security Algorithms.

End-to-End Encryption - What it is and How It Works

In an advanced interconnected world, the internet is essential in facilitating a significant portion of communications, making security a paramount concern. Whether you pick up a newspaper or follow a news link, you will see reviews of some other protection breach or hacking try. Despite the inherent risks associated with online communication and data exchange, the speed and convenience of technology make it a worthwhile endeavour. However, there is a strategy to address these concerns.

Locked and Loaded: Essential Tips to Fortify Mobile App Security

You've built a stellar app, but have you thought about its security? In today's cyber jungle, it's not only savvy but vital to protect the data in your app from threats. Dive into the essential tips to fortify mobile app security. Learn about app analytics and secure coding, and make your app functional and, most importantly, secure.

Hardening Graylog - Encryptify Your Log Supply!

Welcome to Hardening Graylog, where we will help you encryptify your log supply. In this blog post, we will explore the importance of using Transport Layer Security (TLS) to secure your Graylog deployment. We will walk you through the steps to configure Graylog with certificates and keys, secure the Graylog web interface, and protect the communication between Graylog and OpenSearch backend. By the end of this blog post, you will have a fully secure and trusted log management system.