Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


SecureAge Security Suite - DRM & Digital Signing

SecureFile is a comprehensive PKI-based document security solution that secures mission-critical files with 256-bit AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) file encryption and digital signing. Selected files are protected from unwanted tampering and interception to ensure privacy, integrity, and authenticity. We protect your data Every File | Every Place | Every Time

SecureAge Security Suite - SecureDisk (Flexible Volume Encryption)

SecureDisk creates and manages virtual disks with volume encryption on any Windows computer. All files stored in the secure disk volume are encrypted and fully protected and entirely hidden from view. Take advantage of the benefits of Full Disk Encryption (FDE) but with the flexibility of multiple volumes at sizes of your own choosing. We protect your data Every File | Every Place | Every Time

SecureAge Security Suite - SecureEmail (Policy-based End-to-End Email Encryption)

SecureEmail is an ideal solution for ensuring authenticity and privacy without changing the way you send and receive email. It combines the industry’s best encryption technologies with invisible, non-intrusive key management that just works with your preferred email client software. We protect your data Every File | Every Place | Every Time