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Microsoft 365

Top 5 Online Timesheet Tools for Seamless Integration with Microsoft Teams

In today's dynamic work environment, managing time efficiently is critical. Online timesheets for Microsoft Teams offer a seamless way to track work hours, manage projects, and ensure accountability, all within a platform that many businesses already use daily. With a multitude of timesheet tools available, finding the one that integrates seamlessly with Microsoft Teams can transform your productivity. Here, we explore the top five online timesheet tools designed to integrate flawlessly with Microsoft Teams, enhancing your workflow and time management.

New Phishing Platform Targets Microsoft 365 Accounts at Financial Firms

Analysis of the latest phishing-as-a-service (PhaaS) platform ONNX Store highlights just how successful these platforms can be. Security analysts at threat intelligence vendor Eclectic IQ have been tracking ONNX Store, noting it’s a rebranded evolution of the Caffeine PhaaS platform. According to analysis, ONNX has been used to target financial institutions, “including banks, private funding firms and credit union service providers across the EMEA and AMER regions.”

June Release Rollup: Egnyte for Microsoft (MS) Teams - Drag and Drop Functionality, Enhancements to Document Room Portal and More

This month's product updates and enhancements rollup includes Egnyte for MS Teams - Drag and Drop functionality, enhancements to the Document Room Portal, and user management on the Android mobile app. Please visit the articles linked below for more details.

Microsoft 365 Breaches - As preventable as they are common

It seems like every other day there is a public announcement of a compromise involving unauthorised access to Microsoft 365. Privately, my security consultancy team are called in more often than we would like to deconstruct a compromise and determine if a notifiable data breach has occurred.

Octiga Announces Benefit Partnership with The ASCII Group

Octiga Software, Microsoft 365 Security Management & Monitoring for MSPs, is delighted to announce it has embarked on a benefit partnership with The ASCII Group for 2024. The ASCII Group is a membership-based community of independent North American MSPs, MSSPs and Solution Providers. By partnering with The ASCII Group, Octiga is enhancing its channel program and creating lasting relationships with IT service providers.

Getting Started with Microsoft 365 Security and Compliance

In 2022, Microsoft rebranded its compliance and risk management tools under the name Microsoft Purview. Microsoft Purview provides a wealth of valuable functionality, including capabilities formerly provided by tools like Office 365 Security and Compliance, Microsoft 365 Security Center and Microsoft Compliance Manager.

Microsoft 365 Email Continuity Service - Is it Needed?

Microsoft 365 has experienced several notable outages recently. In January 2023, a major outage lasted over five hours, affecting various services, including Exchange Online. This incident was attributed to a network configuration issue during a planned update (Practical 365). Another significant outage occurred in June 2023, impacting services like Outlook, Teams, and OneDrive for several hours due to a network issue (WinBuzzer).

Why Microsoft 365 is Insufficient for Email Security

This article investigates why Microsoft 365 is insufficient for email security in today’s digital landscape. Email security is a critical concern for businesses of all sizes. While Microsoft 365 offers a comprehensive suite of tools for productivity and collaboration, relying solely on it for email security might not be sufficient. Here’s why.