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The Complete Guide to NTFS vs Share Permissions

The foundation of Windows security is simple — if you want access to a network resource such as a file or folder, you need the appropriate permissions. But implementation is more complex because the Windows operating system has two types of permissions: NTFS permissions, which operate at the file system level, and share permissions, which govern network access to shared resources.

PowerShell Environment Variables

Environment variables are predefined variables in an operating system, they are available in the form of key-value pairs which store important system-level or user-specific information, such as paths, user configurations, and system settings. These variables are accessible in PowerShell scripts and sessions, playing a significant role in tasks like configuring software, adjusting system paths, and managing user-specific settings.

How to Run a PowerShell Script

PowerShell is a scripting language and command-line shell designed for task automation and configuration management, primarily used by system administrators and advanced users. Built on the.NET framework (.Net Core for PowerShell 7), it supports Windows, Linux and macOS. It enables automation of administrative tasks such as managing user accounts, configuring networks and performing backups, thereby reducing human error.

What is Credential Stuffing?

Credential stuffing is a type of cyberattack where attackers use stolen username and password combinations, often obtained from previous data breaches, to gain unauthorized access to multiple online accounts. The attacker automates the process of trying these combinations across various websites, hoping that users have reused the same login details.

How to Update PowerShell

Each new PowerShell version introduces new features, performance enhancements, and security improvements. Upgrading empowers you to take advantage of these advancements. It also ensures compatibility with updated APIs, libraries, and frameworks and provides access to contributions from a vibrant community committed to knowledge sharing and best practices.

Rainbow Table Attacks: How They Work and How to Defend Against Them

Many common password attack methods are quite straightforward — much like trying various physical keys to open the lock on a door. For example, in brute force attacks, adversaries systematically guess passwords until they find the correct one. Or instead of simply guessing, they can use a list of username/password combinations leaked from other breaches (credential stuffing) or cycle through known usernames combined with commonly used passwords (password spraying).

Why PowerShell Send-MailMessage Is Deprecated and What to Use Instead

PowerShell is an indispensable tool for task automation, configuration management, system monitoring and querying data. But you can also send email with PowerShell. For instance, PowerShell scripts can monitor systems and post email alerts for specific events, resource constraints or completed tasks. However, it’s critical to ensure that emails are sent in a secure manner.

PowerShell vs CMD: The Ultimate Guide for Windows Professionals

Windows PowerShell and command prompt (CMD) are both essential command-line interface tools for Windows administrators, allowing them to execute commands, manage system processes and automate administrative tasks. While CMD has been a foundational component of Windows since the MS-DOS era, PowerShell has emerged as a more advanced and powerful scripting language, enhancing system management and automation capabilities.