Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

July 2020

What is FFIEC-CAT?

There has been a significant rise in the number and complexity of Cybersecurity threats over the last several years in the financial services industry. Institutions have been in need of a tool that can aid in identifying all the different risk types and how to develop a plan to be prepared for this continuously growing number of threats. Finally a tool has been developed for these intuitions, especially for Credit Unions.

Understanding the Benefits of the Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI)

Many organizations have Information Security Programs (ISPs), but many executives and boards do not know how to measure progress within these programs. They are therefore hesitant to believe any investment in technology will mitigate perceived or even unknown risks. Some organizations use regulated compliance standards such as PCI DSS or AICPA attestations as measures of their ISP.

Ditch the Checklist: Why Automation is the Key to Content Compliance

Compliance frameworks provide guidelines for effective and secure operations for content management across a company’s various repositories. They’re written as a set of controls, each one which corresponds to different settings and policies that an organization must follow in order to ensure the safety of their data.

Netwrix Auditor for Windows File Servers - Overview

Netwrix Auditor for Windows File Servers maximizes visibility into what's going on across Windows file servers by classifying sensitive data and providing actionable audit data about all changes made to files, folders, shares and permissions; and reporting on both successful and failed access attempts. Today, it’s hard to imagine an enterprise that doesn’t rely on file servers to store its data — including valuable and sensitive data. This makes file servers a key target for all sorts of attackers, including both anonymous hackers and disgruntled employees.

Understanding the Purpose of Security Controls and the Need for Compliance

What are the brakes on a car designed to do? I have asked this question many times when speaking to customers or organizations who were dipping their toes into the audit space. Invariably, their answer was, “To stop the car.” At this point, I would then ask, “Then how do you get where you want to go?”

ISO 27001 Requirements Checklist: Steps and Tips for Implementation

ISO 27001 enables organizations of any size to manage the security of assets such as employee information, financial information, intellectual property, employee details, and third-party information. ISO 27001 is primarily known for providing requirements for an information security management system (ISMS) and is part of a much larger set of information security standards. An ISMS is a standards-based approach to managing sensitive information to make sure it stays secure.

Compliance Demystified

Compliance regulations are designed to provide a unified set of rules or guidelines to help IT organizations implement policies and measures that deliver the required levels of integrity, security, availability and accountability of data and operations. This white paper provides an overview of various types of IT compliance, explores their basic concepts and commonalities, and offers guidelines for implementation.