Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

May 2021

Data privacy programmes deliver more than privacy adherence

Reduced costs, new revenue streams, greater customer trust and new markets The best data privacy programmes are granular. They assess the root of every data source, the nuances of every data use and the specifics of every way in which data is stored and shared. From that finite visibility, liabilities can be identified and appropriate remedies put in place that carefully balance the demands of the data subjects with the needs of the business.

Cybersecurity and Compliance for Healthcare Organizations

Amidst the pandemic overwhelming the capacity of many hospital systems, malicious hackers have been quick to target healthcare providers and medical agencies. These cyber-attacks have hit both the United States and Europe in recent months, serving as a reminder for organizations to closely review their information security posture during these times of uncertainty.

Datadog on Security and Compliance

At Datadog, customer trust and data security are of the utmost importance. As a high growth company, navigating the tradeoffs of security and development agility are especially critical. Our customers expect us to continually improve our platform, while providing a compliant, secure environment for their most critical data. Balance is key to rolling out features rapidly and keeping systems secure.

Why SOX Compliance is Required

The Sarbanes-Oxley Act is a federal law that applies to all publicly traded businesses in the United States. It imposes sweeping corporate governance standards on those businesses, to improve accountability in the boardroom and senior management ranks and to make corporate financial statements more reliable.

Reciprocity Experiences Record-Breaking Results in First Quarter 2021

SAN FRANCISCO – May 4, 2021 First Quarter 2021 Highlights Reciprocity, a leader in information security risk and compliance with its ZenGRC platform, today announced the company saw outstanding results in the first quarter of 2021, achieving new records across its go-to-market initiatives, coming off an unprecedented 2020. Last year the management of risk and compliance became a strategic imperative and top board-level concern.

6 Steps To Improve Your Data Security and Data Compliance

Data privacy has been a hot topic in the tech world for years now. With every new technology come new regulations that require companies to completely re-examine the way they handle private data. Most companies already have a basic data privacy policy they constructed alongside lawyers and tech experts to avoid facing serious fines and penalties. However, compliance isn’t just about focusing on current regulations and meeting the bare minimum requirement to avoid legal consequences.

3 Best Practices for Customizing Your Compliance Program

Most large-scale entities need to prove compliance with multiple regulatory standards. In their efforts to meet their compliance mandates, organizations could suffer a major drain on their time and resources. This possibility holds true regardless of whether they’re finance companies, retailers, manufacturers or hospitality firms. Organizations face an additional obstacle when they have an internally created compliance standard that demands enforcement.

7 Key Elements to Building a Compliance Program

As cybercriminals continue to evolve their threat methodologies, industry standards and governments have revised their compliance programs and audit criteria. Regulators and auditors have increasingly begun requiring organizations to mature their programs in order to ensure continuous monitoring as well as senior management and board-level oversight.