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September 2020

Fix now: High risk vulnerabilities at large, September 29th

Since the global pandemic we’ve been writing about the latest CVEs to look out for in our risk based vulnerability management blog. As we head into the Autumn and the nights begin to draw in, threat actors continue to exploit vulnerabilities and cause disruption. Let’s take a look at some that have raised their profile in the last couple of weeks

What makes ARMO customers immune - by design - against vulnerabilities like the recently discovered CVE-2020-14386?

CVE-2020-14386 is yet another severe vulnerability that was recently discovered in the Linux kernel. It reminds us that the fight against vulnerabilities is not over. This particular one allows a regular application to escalate its privileges and gain root access to the machine. Indeed, it sounds scary.

Redscan Labs releases Zerologon detection tool

Zerologon (CVE-2020-1472) is a critical vulnerability in the Windows Server Netlogon process authentication process. Following our recent Security Advisory, immediate patching of the vulnerability is strongly advised. To help determine whether your organisation has been compromised as a result of an attacker exploiting the vulnerability (even prior to a patch being installed), Redscan Labs has developed a Zerologon detection tool.

Instagram photo flaw could have helped malicious hackers spy via users' cameras and microphones

A critical vulnerability in Instagram’s Android and iOS apps could have allowed remote attackers to run malicious code, snoop on unsuspecting users, and hijack control of smartphone cameras and microphones. The security hole, which has been patched by Instagram owner Facebook, could be exploited by a malicious hacker simply sending their intended victim a boobytrapped malicious image file via SMS, WhatsApp, email or any other messaging service.

Container inspection: walking the security tight rope for cloud DevOps

Containers have become very popular with DevOps as a way to increase speed and agility. However, with recent reports of hackers utilizing vulnerabilities in Docker container images to compromise hosts and launch malicious containers – how can we identify this at the time of development to prevent security costing us later?

Focus on Fixing, Not Just Finding, Vulnerabilities

When investing in an application security (AppSec) program, you expect to see a return on your investment. But in order to recognize a return, your organization needs to determine what success looks like and find a way to measure and prove that the program is meeting your definition of success.

Detecting CVE-2020-1472 (CISA ED 20-04) Using Splunk Attack Range

The recent disclosure of CVE-2020-1472 vulnerability by Microsoft showcases the need for tools that allow defenders to quickly replicate published exploit code, register attack data, and create signatures or other mitigations against released exploits with a high likelihood of exploitation against popular infrastructure or operating systems.

Detecting CVE-2020-14386 with Falco and mitigating potential container escapes

On September 14, CVE-2020-14386 was reported as a “high” severity threat. This CVE is a kernel security vulnerability that enables an unprivileged local process to gain root access to the system. CVE-2020-14386 is a result of a bug found in the packet socket facility in the Linux kernel. It allows a bad actor to trigger a memory corruption that can be exploited to hijack data and resources and in the most severe case, completely take over the system.

The History of Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE)

During the late 1990s, security professionals were using information assurance tools in concert with vulnerability scanners to detect and remove vulnerabilities from the systems for which they are responsible. There’s just one problem – each security vendor has its own database with little to no crossover.

Identifying the Most Dangerous Common Software and Hardware Weaknesses and Vulnerabilities - The CWE Top 25 (2020 Edition)

So far, there has not been a perfect solution to ridding the world of software and hardware weaknesses. Keeping up-to-date with which weaknesses have are most common and impactful can be a daunting task. Thankfully, a list has been made to do just that the Common Weakness Enumeration Top 25 (CWE).

Fix now: High risk vulnerabilities at large, September 2020

Since the start of the pandemic we’ve been writing about the latest CVEs to look out for in our risk based vulnerability management blog. As we head into the Autumn and the nights begin to draw in, threat actors continue to exploit vulnerabilities the world over. Let’s take a look at some that have raised their profile in the last couple of weeks.

Predictive Risk-Based Vulnerability Management

Are you struggling to triage through tons of findings to identify the greatest threats and patch more effectively? You are not alone! With speed being the biggest challenge to effectively patch, this whitepaper looks at how existing prioritization works with CVSS scoring and how a risk based approach with machine learning can be applied to align corporate risk appetite and drive better decision making for optimal efficiency.

Build Security Into Your SDLC With Coverity

Are your developers getting discouraged by too many false positives from security tools that slow them down? You need a solution that boosts their productivity, finds real vulnerabilities, and provides expert remediation guidance. Coverity will help you achieve this and more. Learn how you can assess the ROI of implementing Coverity into your SDLC, quickly build secure applications, and accelerate your software velocity.