Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

November 2020

How to mitigate Ransomware attacks

Ransomware is a serious security threat affecting companies of all sizes and industries. While the symptoms (an attack) can be extremely damaging and disruptive, the solution can be simple - proactive prevention through a heavy dose of security hygiene. Here we cover the basics of Ransomware and top tips for securing your organization against it.

Outpost24 webinar - Securing DevOps in Cloud Environments

The Covid-19 crisis has wreaked havoc on software development, with businesses being forced to adapt and ensure DevOps can carry on to the same production levels and speed as before. As IT and development infrastructure move to the public cloud at an unprecedented rate, the shared responsibility of cloud can create severe security challenges in terms of visibility, control and compliance.

Outpost24 webinar - Risk based vulnerability management: What's in a risk score?

In this webinar we’ll provide expert insights into the limitation of CVSS and what goes into a vulnerability risk score, including vendor by vendor and what we look at to determine the risk of a vulnerability to help security managers prioritize and make better informed decisions for remediation. We will identify the benefits of a risk-based approach, highlighting how this can make vulnerabilities more manageable and streamlining remediation through automation and orchestration.

Outpost24 webinar - Cloud security controls best practice

Watch our recorded webinar to discover the critical cloud security controls when migrating to IaaS and PaaS, plus how to build a rich cloud transformation experience and deliver long term operational benefits. As we strive to have greater controls on cloud risk, how can we spend our time more efficiently to focus on what we don’t own and building a more robust cloud operating model? Cloud Security remains a big challenge and whilst the Cloud Security Alliance (CSA) is celebrating its 11th anniversary in 2020 are we any closer to fully understanding the techniques to ensure complete cloud security coverage.

OWASP Top 10 Application Security Risks (With Examples & Recommendations)

OWASP stands for The Open Web Application Security Project. It is a non-profit foundation that works to improve application security for software. Through community-led projects globally, it is a great source for tools, resources, education & training for developers and technologists to secure the web and mobile applications. Read our article to learn more about the OWASP top 10 vulnerabilities with examples.

Detecting Data Exfiltration Via the Use of SNICat

I used to have a cat who loved ice cream. I think I may have given her some as a kitten, and from then on, anytime that she saw someone eating ice cream she would do her best to try and steal some from them. And even if she didn’t really seem to enjoy a particular flavor, she still seemed driven to try and steal that person’s ice cream. Like my cat stealing ice cream, bad guys are constantly trying to target organizations and their data for nefarious purposes.

N-Day Vulnerabilities: How They Threaten Your ICS Systems' Security

In the last quarter of 2019, researchers at ClearSky uncovered an attack operation that they dubbed the “Fox Kitten Campaign.” Iranian actors used this offensive to gain persistent access into the networks of dozens of companies operating in Israel and around the world across the IT, telecommunication, oil and gas, aviation, government and security sectors. These individuals were successful in their efforts because they employed a variety of attack vectors.