Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

April 2020

Whose vulnerability is it anyway?

Application security is a top priority today for companies that are developing software. However, it is also becoming more challenging and complex as release frequency continues to rise, more open source components are adopted, and the requirements for data security are getting stricter. Thanks to new DevOps practices and tools, development cycles are getting shorter, allowing organizations to meet market demands and deliver a superior customer experience, but is application security keeping up?

How to Conduct a Vulnerability Assessment

A considerable portion of cyber-attacks target simple and unnoticed security vulnerabilities, that is why conducting a thorough vulnerability assessment is vital for each and every organization. Read our article to learn more. As the technology advances, a vast majority of the business processes are realized online. Each and every day we share important files, send e-mails, conduct communication with our team and customers, and we do all these tasks online.