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What our attack surface study says about top retail applications

Retail and ecommerce web applications are big targets for hackers. Attack surface assessment is important to help build a complete risk profile of web applications and combat opportunistic hackers looking for vulnerabilities to exploit. Here’s how the biggest online retailers fare against the most common application attack vectors

Protecting Against the Unpatched Kubernetes Vulnerability (CVE-2020-8554)

CVE-2020-8554 is a vulnerability that allows Kubernetes Services to intercept cluster traffic to any IP address. Users who can manage services can exploit the vulnerability to carry out man-in-the-middle (MITM) attacks against pods and nodes in the cluster. All Kubernetes versions including the latest release (v1.20) are vulnerable to this attack. If your cluster is multi-tenant, or allows unprivileged users to create and update services, you are impacted.

Stay Alert to Security With Xray and PagerDuty

When it comes to securing your software development against open source vulnerabilities, the earlier action occurs — by the right person — the safer you and your enterprise will be. Many IT departments rely on the PagerDuty incident response platform to improve visibility and agility across the organization.

Penetration Testing vs Vulnerability Scanning

Vulnerability scans and penetration test are often used interchangeably. Unfortunately, it is the improper use that creates confusions, sometimes around security decisions too. This article shal help the reader with these terms: penetration testing vs vulnerability scanning, their project inputs, outputs, security health indicators and decision making factors.

Multiple vulnerabilities discovered in Pyrescom Termod4 smart device

The Internet of things, cyber-physical systems, smart offices, smart homes. We are getting accustomed to these ‘smart’ concepts; lights turn off automatically when you leave home. Your car drives you, instead of the other way around and you quickly scan your access badge to check-in at work. All the little conveniences that make our lives easier, our work more enjoyable and ever so slightly improves our lives… Until they bite you in the behind.