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November 2021

Using Mitre Att&CK with threat intelligence to improve Vulnerability Management

Threat actors are constantly evolving their tactics and techniques in the attack lifecycle and infiltrate company infrastructure. While most organizations are already performing vulnerability management based on CVEs by MITRE, few have considered the powerful correlations between threat intelligence, CVEs and the ATT&CK® framework. In this blog we highlight the benefits of bringing them together to drive focused remediation and improve cyber defense.

How to prevent known exploited vulnerabilities at the endpoint

The US Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Agency (CISA) has issued a directive to federal agencies and other public bodies requiring them to take steps to reduce their risk of exploited vulnerabilities. CISA highlights the startling finding that hackers are exploiting up to 290 different vulnerabilities in these agencies.

WhiteSource Research: Fixing Vulnerable npm Packages Quickly and Painlessly

Over the past few years organizations have been shifting security tools and practices left to ensure that application security is addressed from the earliest stages of the software development life cycle (SDLC). These efforts also increasingly cover open source components, which comprise up to 80% of our software products.

New Exchange RCE vulnerability actively exploited

Exchange admins now have another exploit to deal with despite still reeling from a number of high profile attacks this year including ProxyLogon and ProxyShell. A new high severity Remote Code Execution (RCE) exploit for on-premise Exchange Servers has been published and is being actively exploited in the wild.

ManageEngine Vulnerability Manager Plus simplifies compliance with the CIS Benchmarks

New software and assets introduced into your network are, by default, configured to be multifunctional and convenient to use, but they’re not always the most secure. IT teams also make constant changes to systems’ configurations, leading to inevitable security gaps. Maintaining secure configurations in assets and software is essential for organizations that want to avoid potential cyberattacks or face costly audit penalties.

How You Should Rank Cybersecurity Vulnerabilities

If there’s one thing you can expect from cybercriminals, it’s that they’re always looking for new ways to locate and exploit your organization’s vulnerabilities. The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) defines a vulnerability as a “weakness in an information system, system security procedures, internal controls, or implementation that could be exploited or triggered by a threat source.”

Announcing automated fixes for vulnerabilities in .NET dependencies

We’re pleased to announce improved support for.NET applications in Snyk Open Source, allowing developers to fix vulnerabilities in.NET dependencies with the help of actionable advice and automated pull requests! As of the time of writing, NuGet, the Microsoft-supported and de-facto standard package manager for.NET, has 276,266 unique packages, downloaded on average more than a billion times a week!

Internal vs. External Vulnerability Scan: What Are the Differences?

Cyberattackers and hackers try to exploit security vulnerabilities to gain unauthorized access to enterprise networks. Their intentions typically include installing malware, stealing sensitive data, launching supply chain attacks, or engaging in cyber extortion or espionage.

What is Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS)?

Given the large and growing number of cyber attacks that exploit software vulnerabilities, vulnerability management is critical. A variety of unintended consequences can result from misjudging the severity of an existing vulnerability. Legal battles, financial losses, and reputational damage are all possible outcomes for a business. To combat today's modern cyber security challenges, it's critical to have a vulnerability management program in place.

TensorFlow Python Code Injection: More eval() Woes

JFrog security research team (formerly Vdoo) has recently disclosed a code injection issue in one of the utilities shipped with Tensorflow, a popular Machine Learning platform that’s widely used in the industry. The issue has been assigned to CVE-2021-41228. This disclosure is hot on the heels of our previous, similar disclosure in Yamale which you can read about in our previous blog post.

A stitch in BIND saves nine

A vulnerability was discovered in the named DNS server implementation contained in the development branch builds of BIND 9. This is a story of catastrophe averted. It’s a case study for the value of fuzzing in software development. Synopsys Cybersecurity Research Center (CyRC) researchers discovered a denial-of-service vulnerability in development branch builds of BIND 9 by Internet Systems Consortium (ISC).

The Benefits and Challenges of Reporting vs. Remediation with SBOMs

As organizations look for solutions that enable them to create a software bill of materials (SBOM) to ensure they’re meeting new governmental mandates for protecting the software supply chain, it’s important to understand the difference between solutions based on reporting vs. remediation. The primary focus of any SBOM solution should be on open source code. The use of open source continues to expand exponentially. Open source components comprise 60%-80% of today’s applications.

Forescout Research Labs concludes Project Memoria - Lessons Learned after 18 months of vulnerability research

Project Memoria is the largest study on the security of TCP/IP stacks. The idea for this project emerged in May 2020 while collaborating with JSOF on Ripple20. Our researchers understood that the problem with TCP/IP stacks was much deeper and more widespread than initial research had suggested. We hypothesized that similar issues to those identified in Ripple20 could be present in other stacks as well.

Scanning ARM templates for misconfigurations with the Snyk CLI

Managing application resources at scale can be tricky business. As such, many DevOps and AppSec teams turn to using a declarative framework rather than writing individual scripts to deploy, manage, and maintain access controls for their resources. For Azure environments, Azure Resource Manager (ARM) is this management layer that allows teams to manage their infrastructure as code (IaC) through declarative ARM templates.

Detecting CVE-2021-42292

On its surface, CVE-2021-42292 doesn’t look like the kind of vulnerability that a network-based tool can find reliably. Marked by Microsoft as a local file format vulnerability, security veterans would expect that between encryption and encoding, there would be a million different ways to evade network detection with a weaponized exploit.

Recent Updates to the OWASP Top Ten Web Application Security Risks

The Open Web Application Security Project (aka OWASP) recently announced its latest updates to the venerable OWASP Top Ten list. This publication is meant to bring attention to the most common classes of software-related security issues facing developers and organizations in the hopes of helping them to better plan for and address potential high-severity issues in their codebases.

How Snyk Code prioritizes vulnerabilities using their Priority Score

If every vulnerability seems to be equally critical, engineers would get overwhelmed and probably waste time on the wrong issues. This is why it’s important for developer security tools to provide clear and simple prioritization functionality. As you’ve likely noticed, Snyk Code provides a Priority Score on the top right corner of the overview panel. When hovering over it, an explanation is shown how the priority score was calculated.

New Critical Vulnerabilities Found on Nucleus TCP/IP Stack

Forescout Research Labs, with support from Medigate Labs, have discovered a set of 13 new vulnerabilities affecting the Nucleus TCP/IP stack, which we are collectively calling NUCLEUS:13. The new vulnerabilities allow for remote code execution, denial of service, and information leak. Nucleus is used in safety-critical devices, such as anesthesia machines, patient monitors and others in healthcare.

Unboxing BusyBox - 14 new vulnerabilities uncovered by Claroty and JFrog

Embedded devices with limited memory and storage resources are likely to leverage a tool such as BusyBox, which is marketed as the Swiss Army Knife of embedded Linux. BusyBox is a software suite of many useful Unix utilities, known as applets, that are packaged as a single executable file. Within BusyBox you can find a full-fledged shell, a DHCP client/server, and small utilities such as cp, ls, grep, and others.

Exchange Servers Getting Hit through ProxyShell Vulnerabilities

ProxyShell is a massive new exploit campaign that is targeting vulnerable Microsoft Exchange servers. The servers are publicly available and the campaign is directly responsible for a number of breaches and subsequent ransomware attacks. There have been thousands of compromised Exchange servers to date. Ransomware is simply the byproduct of unauthorized access and privilege escalation and typically has to start with something like ProxyShell providing an attacker remote access.

Differences Between Penetration Testing and Vulnerability Scanning

Often, penetration testing (or pen testing) and vulnerability scanning are used interchangeably. In doing so, the importance of each method of testing gets lost in the confusion. Both of these are significant in protecting your data and infrastructure for different reasons. In the age of digitally storing information and companies having an online network presence, it’s easy for hackers to find their way in. This is why both pen testing and vulnerability scanning are important.

NUCLEUS:13 - Dissecting the Nucleus TCP/IP stack

In the fifth study of Project Memoria – NUCLEUS:13 – Forescout Research Labs and Medigate identified a set of 13 new vulnerabilities affecting the Nucleus TCP/IP stack. Nucleus is currently owned by Siemens. Its original release was in 1993 and, since then, it has been deployed in many industry verticals with safety and security requirements such as medical devices, automotive, and industrial systems. Upon identification of the new vulnerabilities, Forescout Research Labs and Medigate collaborated with Siemens, CISA, CERT/CC and other agencies to confirm the findings and notify vendors.

Top 10 Windows Server Vulnerabilities for 2021

2020-2021 were unusually rough in the information security field. The pandemic accelerated the pace of discovering new attack techniques and the attacker’s motivation was high due to the potential impact of each attack. In addition, work methodologies that have changed led to the exposure of new vulnerabilities and an increase in the organizational attack surface.

Cybersecurity and OWASP in an Increasingly Digital World

As the world increasingly moves to a digital format, cybersecurity is becoming more important than ever. It’s especially significant since, according to a recent survey by Sophos, 51% of businesses in America experienced a ransomware attack in 2020. That’s a staggering number of security vulnerabilities that truly shouldn’t exist in the modern day and age. Yet, it’s relatively understandable.

The Future of Vulnerability Management Programs

According to the National Vulnerability Database (NVD), the number of new security vulnerabilities increases steadily over the past few years. Image source: NVD The consistent rise in the number of security vulnerabilities along with headline-catching exploits like the SolarWind supply chain attack earlier this year has organizations doubling down on vulnerability management programs to ensure that they are not exposed to malicious attacks.

CISA's Known Exploited Vulnerabilities Catalog and Splunk

TL;DR: Accompanying today’s announcement from CISA (BOD 22-01) and their new Known Exploited Vulnerabilities Catalog, SURGe and Splunk Threat Research Team (STRT) have coordinated to add functionality into Enterprise Security Content Updates (ESCU). This added functionality will help network defenders understand vulnerability context alongside relevant ESCU detections.

What is OWASP Mobile Security Testing Guide (MSTG)?

With millions of apps being released every day and ever-changing feature additions, it is more important than ever for enterprises to focus on security to prevent data breaches. According to Checkpoint, in 2020, 97 per cent of enterprises were confronted with mobile threats employing a variety of attack vectors. What is Mobile Security Testing Guide (MSTG)? The MSTG is a comprehensive manual for mobile app security testing.

JavaScript type confusion: Bypassed input validation (and how to remediate)

In a previous blog post, we showed how type manipulation (or type confusion) can be used to escape template sandboxes, leading to cross-site scripting (XSS) or code injection vulnerabilities. One of the main goals for this research was to explore (in the JavaScript ecosystem) how and if it is possible to bypass some security fixes or input validations with a type confusion attack (i.e by providing an unexpected input type).

Automation for Manually Imported Pentest Vulnerabilities (with captions)

On Kondukto you can apply automated workflows on vulnerabilities that are manually imported to Kondukto as well. In this video, you can see how Kondukto automatically creates issues on issue managers and sends notifications as soon as a new file is imported.