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To Agent or Not to Agent: That Is the Vulnerability Management Question

With the evolution of technology comes new approaches to solving problems. Sometimes a new approach fixes the problem; sometimes it creates new ones. The good thing is as folks who work in fast-paced, high-tech environment, we information security professionals are great at quickly analyzing the new technologies and applying them to our daily lives. …Or so we thought!

Adding CVE scanning to a CI/CD pipeline

A Docker image contains an application and all its dependencies. As it also contains the numerous binaries and libraries of an OS, it’s important to make sure no vulnerabilities exist in its root filesystem, or at least no critical or major ones. Scanning an image within a CI/CD pipeline can ensure this additional level of security.

Security Orchestration Use Case: Importance of Vulnerability Management Automation

Vulnerability management is a proactive approach that mitigates or prevents the exploitation of IT vulnerabilities that may exist in corporate critical systems or network. This approach involves a number of steps that include identification, classification, remediation, and mitigation of numerous vulnerabilities. According to CVE Details Report, 15703 vulnerabilities have been identified in 2018, compared to 14714 in 2017.

What Type of Vulnerabilities Does a Penetration Test Look For?

Penetration testing is becoming increasingly popular as organizations are beginning to embrace the need for stronger cybersecurity. But there are still too many businesses that don’t fully understand the benefits of regular security testing. Pen testing is vital for any kind of organization with an IT system or website. A recent survey of penetration testers revealed that 88 percent of those questioned said they could infiltrate organizations and steal data within 12 hours.

The Art and Science of Secure Coding: Key Practices that Stand Out

Flaws in code lines, file system and data input methods make up the core security vulnerability of any application. This is what we address through secure coding practices. Secure coding guidelines stand out as the last battling army before the enemy line of security risks and threats.

Infosec Problems For 2019 and Beyond: Patching, Bug Bounties and Hype

Details of a Virtual Box 0-day privilege escalation bug were disclosed on GitHub earlier this week. This was the work of independent Russian security researcher Sergey Zelenyuk, who revealed the vulnerability without any vendor coordination as a form of protest against the current state of security research and bug bounty programs.