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Workflow Automation: Intelligent Task Delegation for Groups and Users

We believe compliance should be a team sport. With Workflow Automation, your team can be segmented into “groups”, including DevOps, Engineering, HR, and Legal. TrustOps intelligently delegates tasks, controls, tests, and systems into these groups. Group have owners, who assign each component of your company’s compliance program to the right person within their group.

Workflow Automation: Smart Inventory Management

You can now connect TrustOps to multiple SaaS vendors that you use to run your product and business, and we automatically collect inventory lists from these vendors to satisfy audit requirements. With this new release, TrustOps intelligently creates the following inventory lists for you: Databases in AWS RDS Logs from AWS Cloudwatch Alerts from AWS Cloudwatch Alerts IT assets from Jamf and Duo HR lists from BambooHR and TriNet.

Smart Custom Policies

Kintent policies now offer a new Edit Policy menu option, allowing you to customize existing text, write your own, or bring in the contents of an existing policy by pasting its text. Once in the editor, you will be able to format your policy, choose whether or not (and where) to insert its approval log and related control list, as well as add Kintent control texts. TrustOps also supports Smart Variables — dynamic, auto-updating values representing key attributes of a policy such as its owner, which you can use when composing your policy.

Customizing your controls

We know that your business is unique, and you may already have security and privacy programs in place, so we’ve made customization a focus and a pillar in our platform, making it effortless for you to craft custom controls and policies that are integral to your business. On the control details page in TrustOps, you now have the ability to edit a control and customize the control statement language, policy mappings and frequency of the control to accurately reflect your business practices.

Add Your Brand Identity to Your TrustShare

With this update, we’ve made it easy for your team to customize your TrustShare portal to reflect your brand identity. As part of the most recent update to the TrustShare Admin app, we’re excited to introduce a “Branding” section where you can select your brand’s color palette and add your logo. Your TrustShare will reflect your branding in the appropriate places as soon as you publish your selections. You also have the ability to preview changes before publishing, so you can ensure that everything looks and feels right.


As with everything we do at Kintent, we wanted to make it effortless for you to develop and share your information security program! Automatically Share Your Compliance Documents TrustShare is part of Kintent’s Trust Management Platform. It automatically pulls details from the platform, such as your controls, policies, security questionnaires, and subprocessors. Whenever a change is made to the underlying information, Trust Share is automatically updated, so you won’t ever have to worry about the validity of the compliance data you are sharing with your customers.

4 Types of Data The FedRAMP Boundary Generates and What it Means For You

The FedRAMP PMO recently announced new rules for how contractors will need to comply with the Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program (FedRAMP) Authorization Boundary rules in draft format. This is a big deal because FedRAMP compliance is mandatory for any company that wants to do business with the federal government.

How to achieve FedRAMP Certification?

We previously covered the basics of FedRAMP by simply asking “What is FedRAMP?” This time, we’re going to talk about how you can get approved as a FedRAMP Cloud Service Provider (CSP). We’ll talk about some of the advantages of being FedRAMP authorized. We’ll also discuss FedRAMP compliance versus certification to understand the difference. Additionally, we will define terms you will need to know during your FedRAMP journey.

How to Become FedRAMP Certified

We previously covered the basics of FedRAMP by simply asking “What is FedRAMP?” This time, we’re going to talk about how to become FedRamp Certified Cloud Service Provider (CSP). We’ll talk about some of the advantages of being FedRAMP authorized. We’ll also discuss FedRAMP compliance versus certification to understand the difference. Additionally, we will define terms you will need to know during your FedRAMP journey.

What Is the SHIELD Act And How Do You Achieve Compliance?

On the internet, we’re all Hansel and Gretel. But the trail of breadcrumbs we leave behind when searching, posting on social media or shopping online aren’t designed to help us find our way back home. Instead, they’re designed to help the companies we interact with provide a richer, more customized and useful online experience.