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Remote Work

5 IT security strategies that you should think about as employees return to the office

Without a doubt, digital transformation accelerated amid the pandemic and made it possible for employees to work remotely. However, it also intensified the threat landscape created by malicious attackers who jumped on the first opportunity to attack the more vulnerable home networks. As remote working becomes the new norm, it is paramount to have an agile infrastructure and team for security. Companies need to manage and orchestrate appropriate remediation activities carefully.

6 Cybersecurity Tips for Working from Home

Here at Tripwire, we, like many others, recently surpassed the one-year anniversary of working from home due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Since March of 2020, we have converted kitchens, spare bedrooms and garages into office spaces. Our pets and children have become our coworkers, and companies are reporting a sudden increase in shirt sales as opposed to pant sales.

How to Overcome the Challenges of Securing a Fully Remote Workforce

One of the most significant changes to come out of the COVID-19 pandemic is the shift to remote work. By late 2020, 58% of U.S. employees worked at home at least some of the time, and this trend will likely continue. While a remote workforce can bring several productivity and morale benefits, it also creates some security challenges such as cyber threats. Most companies’ cyber defenses are designed to handle a single, centralized network in one location with standardized devices.

How to Make Your Zoom Meetings More Secure

During the first months of the last year, Zoom was a little known video conferencing platform with a few million users. However, the spread of Coronavirus across the globe forced businesses and organizations to make changes in their working models. Among them was adopting remote working practices, fostered by several communication and collaboration tools. This is where Zoom's popularity surged, with remote workers using the tool to conduct virtual meetings. However, the explosive popularity of Zoom created several cybersecurity ramifications. The unexpected growth exposed the platform to various security faults, vulnerabilities, and hackers. That said, below are some of the best practices to keep your Zoom meetings secure.

Remote Employees: How to Manage Insider Risks

In 2020, remote work became not just a trend but a must for many companies. Yet ensuring secure telecommuting turned out to be a challenge for cybersecurity teams: Remote employees tend to use insecure tools, work in unprotected environments, and mismanage sensitive data. All of this increases the risk of insider threats. In this article, we take a close look at the challenges remote employees bring and the risks they can pose to your organization.

Extending CyberSecurity Beyond The Office Perimeter

The traditional office has now morphed into a hybrid model where most employees work remotely. The shift to remote work isn't entirely new. Between 2005 and 2018, there was a 173% increase in the US remote workforce. This trend spiked significantly in 2020 when roughly 88% of organizations worldwide encouraged remote work to flatten the COVID-19 spread. Join Dr. How corporate office perimeters continue to evolve in real-time as the world changes Latest threats to organizations in and out of the office in the new year