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October 2022

Why Identity Verification Is Important for Onboarding in a Remote Working Environment

Working and collaborating remotely is easier than ever in today’s digital age. As a result, the number of vendors engaging with businesses to execute job assignments has increased dramatically. People working remotely as independent contractors range from software engineers to copywriters. Because these folks will not be going into the office, Identity Verification is now an essential element of the Vendor Onboarding process. Why?

Top Password Hygiene Best Practices for Remote Workers

With a growing number of organizations offering a remote or hybrid working option, many people are taking their workspaces home. Your team needs to know password hygiene best practices to ensure their home work environment is secure and protected. Sloppy employees who are not knowledgeable about password hygiene can pose a risk to themselves and their company. In fact, 82% of breaches involved a human element, according to Verizon’s 2022 DBIR.