Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

June 2022

Remote Users - Protect Confidential Information

Greater care should be taken when transferring corporate data onto a remote user's managed endpoint. Certain types of data often require greater levels of authorization to leave the confines of the organization and managed app. When trying to download confidential information, we want to reverify the user's identity with step-up authentication. When the file is downloaded, in addition to file encryption, we also want to add a watermark and redact the confidential information.

How to Protect Your Remote Workforce from a Cyberattack

Earlier this year, an industry report stated that 79% of businesses remain concerned about the security risks of an increasingly remote workforce. Cyberattacks are on the rise since the COVID-19 pandemic, in part because many organizations fail to put in place adequate cybersecurity measures and procedures. In addition, there is a worldwide shortage of cybersecurity professionals in every industry.

Is VPN or Zero Trust Access Best for Remote Working Security?

The pandemic changed the way people work, and many companies have been fast to adapt to this shift in work culture by encouraging and promoting remote and hybrid work. Zero Trust Network Access or ZTNA is gaining popularity as a secure alternative to corporate VPN-based access to the internal application and network services.