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January 2024

The Role of Proxies in Enhancing Online Security and Privacy

Considering the interconnectivity of the world, online security and privacy have become paramount. As a result, individuals and businesses take their cyber hygiene seriously. Using web proxies is one way they employ to improve their online safety. However, not all proxies are the same. Paid proxies have advantages over free proxies. In this article, we cover the features of proxies, how paid proxies improve on free proxies, and suitable use cases of proxies.

3 Things To Know About Securing Remote Work with VPN

It's been two decades since the introduction of virtual private networks (VPNs), and they are still the go-to solution for many organizations that need to connect remote users to company resources. But while VPN technology remained relatively static — grounded on the principle that your resources are primarily located on a corporate network — remote work requirements have changed dramatically.