Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

June 2020

Developing Immunity: IT Security in the Era of Remote Working

This webinar explores new and emerging risks facing civil service security professionals, system managers and business owners, and provides ways to combat them.Paul Edon, Senior Director for Technical Sales and Services (EMEA) at global cybersecurity provider Tripwire, covers topics including.

How to protect your crown Jewels while working remotely

The crown Jewels, part of the Royal Collection, are the most powerful symbols of the British Monarchy. They are housed in the ‘Jewel House’, vault at the Tower of London. Ever since attempts have been made to steal the crown jewels their security has been tightened. Conventional methods to protect the crown jewels are not sophisticated enough to stop the highly motivated adversarial threats. Let’s take a closer look at how these jewels are protected.

Collaboration, Remote Work and Data Security

An interactive discussion offering a practical insight into the lives of four tech leaders from across the globe who will share the security lessons from the past few months and offer insights into how this will impact practices going forward. This is a great opportunity to hear from four exceptional speakers as they share their experiences and take questions.