Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

September 2020

Easy Ways to Boost Employee Productivity Remotely

Employee monitoring and productivity tracking features valuable insights into your teams’ performance levels throughout the day. If your office has been recently affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, you might also be transitioning into a more remote-friendly workplace environment. How do you make sure your employees are staying productive? Can you accurately measure an increase or decrease in your team’s overall productivity?

2020 Data Governance Trends Report: New Risks, New Rewards of Remote Work

In August 2020, Egnyte partnered with Wakefield Research to survey 400 C-Level IT executives from across the U.S.* to understand how the remote work revolution is changing their governance strategies, and what they’re doing to get ahead of this sea change.

How to ensure network compliance in this era of remote work: The ITOM Podcast [Episode 5]

The ITOM Podcast returns with yet another episode to help you eliminate all the remote work woes in your IT environment. In the last episode, we discussed in detail about the key areas enterprises need to monitor to ensure endpoint security, measures to adopt to ensure cybersecurity while rolling out BYOD policies, and the crucial factors that IT leaders need to know about in the post-pandemic era with respect to IT security.

Meeting the Challenges of Remote Work with Chrome OS Policy Settings - Part II

Welcome to the second part of this two-part blog series for administrators who are new to the Chromebook enterprise system. In the previous blog, we discussed settings that are applicable to users and applications. In this blog, we will further explore the Chrome enterprise admin panel as we look into settings that pertain to privacy and physical devices. Device Settings Device settings apply to the physical Chromebook device. They are enforced no matter which user is logged in.

Meeting the Challenges of Remote Work with Chrome OS Policy Settings - Part I

Many organizations, from enterprises to small businesses and schools, are focusing efforts on distance working and learning. One significant hurdle for those who are suddenly tasked with supporting remote users is the question of how to manage a fleet of new endpoints. One appealing solution for managing all these new remote users is to use Google Chromebooks.