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October 2021

5 Signs You Have the Remote Access VPN Blues

As the pandemic wears on, and return to work plans continue to shift and morph, there’s really never been a better time to re-evaluate how your organization is handling remote access. Your hastily put-together VPN setup may have gotten the job done in the early days of lockdown, but is it really ready to protect a hybrid workforce that’s now used to flexibility and choice? Here are five signs that it might be time to reconsider your remote access VPN.

Cyber Security Month in the WFH Era: Three Key Steps to Secure Hybrid Teams

This October, as businesses emerge from the pandemic, many are making strategic decisions about their long-term work arrangements. While there is a substantial debate about remaining remote or bringing people back to the office, many companies are choosing to meet in the middle, embracing a hybrid work arrangement that allows people to work both on-site and remotely.

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A guide to combat ransomware as we continue to work from home

It's no secret that 2021 has already seen a huge surge in ransomware attacks; we've seen an increase of 64% over last year. Advancements in attack strategies and the shift to remote work are undeniably reasons for this ongoing wave. With most businesses merely testing the waters with hybrid working models, completely returning to work still seems like a far-off reality indicating that these numbers are only likely to swell even further.