Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

January 2023

Understanding Evolving Insider Risks in a Hybrid World

Insider risks are threats that already have access to an organization’s sensitive information. They are people who have physical access to the organization’s buildings and credentials to sign-on to the network. But maybe more importantly, they’re familiar with the organization’s processes, they speak the company lingo, and they know where the important assets reside.

The remote IT workforce boom and ways to face it

When the entire world decided to shut down following the COVID-19 outbreak, did it stop organizations from doing their work? Did banks and hospitals take a break? Many had to carry on their daily routine to keep the world alive. Employees were scattered across every corner of the world. Yet sysadmins were still expected to maintain control of the endpoints in the organization and troubleshoot issues instantly.