Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

April 2022

Endpoint security and remote work

Remote work is the new reality for companies of all sizes and across every industry. As the majority of employees now perform their job functions outside the technology ecosystem of their local office, the cybersecurity landscape has evolved with the adoption of terms such as Zero Trust and Secure Services Edge (SSE).

Challenges and solutions for securing distributed, remote and hybrid workforces

The world has changed. The COVID-19 pandemic has dramatically increased the number of teams that are working with a remote and distributed model. This change is a welcome acceleration of what many feel would have been the eventual outcome of our digital future. With this new model comes a new and changing set of security challenges.

Ransomware Attacks: How to Mitigate Risk and Protect Your Data

Ransomware is not a new threat, but the tactics that attackers are using to access corporate infrastructures and steal resources has evolved. With the continuation of remote work and data being stored on the cloud, attackers only need to compromise one user, app or device to gain access.