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March 2023

4 Steps to Safeguarding SD-WAN in Response to Rise of Remote Work

Ensuring employees operate securely regardless of location has grown in importance over the last several years as the number of people working remotely has exploded. These workers are most likely operating within a software-defined wide area network (SD-WAN). They use SD-WAN to work with data that is now processed more and more in many different cloud services.

Five new cybersecurity challenges posed by hybrid or remote work

Hybrid work, which involves splitting the working week between in-office and remote work time, is the new normal that many companies have been adapting to after the COVID-19 pandemic crisis forced them to work remotely to continue providing services. A recent study indicates that, in fact, 58% of companies have been encouraged to promote a hybrid return to the office. In addition, it estimates that 48% of employees will be following a hybrid or remote model in the next two years.