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December 2020

Could Universities' Use of Surveillance Software Be Putting Students at Risk?

Life for university students has changed massively during the coronavirus pandemic, as it has for all of us. While some in-person lectures and seminars are still taking place, there has been a big shift to remote learning. This has, perhaps understandably, led to concerns about how well students are engaging with this way of studying. Many universities have sought to address this by turning to remote monitoring tools to track students’ online activities.

Securing a distributed workspace: A cybersecurity checklist for long-term remote work

One of the lasting changes brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic is that it forced organizations to rethink the concept of a workspace. As remote work became inevitable, IT teams had to enable the secure transition to remote work almost overnight. Opening up offices, on the contrary, will likely be executed in planned phases. A United States Department of State advisory recommends that workforces return to an office in three phases, with the employees most at risk coming in at a later stage.

Remote Employee Monitoring Software - How To Audit Employee Computer Activity | CurrentWare

⚠️UPDATE 2021⚠️ This video is from a legacy version of BrowseReporter. In this video CurrentWare’s product manager Sai Kit Chu shows you how to monitor the computer usage of employees that work from home. This video provides an overview of CurrentWare's remote employee monitoring software. Get the FREE trial to see what your remote employees are doing during work hours. This snippet was taken from our webinar "Best Practices for Managing Productivity and Security of Remote Workers".