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July 2021

The Network Leader's Punch List for Returning to the Office

Over the last year and a half, we all went through the monumental disruption of having just about everyone work from remote locations. We strained VPN infrastructure and out of necessity split tunnels became the norm, not the exception. Even if it meant the users were a bit more exposed, you really had no choice, as Zoom/Webex/Teams meetings can eat up bandwidth like nobody’s business. But now the users are starting to come back into the office, what’s the big deal?

It's All Fun and Games Until You Get Breached - Tackling Security Challenges in the Remote Work Reality

From healthcare to education to critical infrastructure, nobody seems to be safe from cyber attacks. Not even video game creators. News broke in early June that video game giant Electronic Arts was one of the latest victims of a major breach. At first glance, this is just another story of hackers breaking into a victim and finding their way to a sizable pay day. Nothing new here. Plenty of attacks happen every week, right? However it was the way that the attackers got in that was interesting.

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Remote possibility: how to help remote staff achieve better work-life balance

The Covid-19 pandemic has dramatically altered working experiences and what we consider to be normal. Almost every industry has been affected and businesses were forced to scramble to find ways of operating at such a difficult time. Things have begun to improve, and we may be through the worst of the pandemic, but it has had a lingering effect.

How do businesses ensure data security with a remote workforce?

When it comes to Data protection, we used to talk about securing the perimeter with firewalls, VPNs, cybersecurity training for employees, to prevent data leaks - remember those days?? Well, these days, things are a little different as we now have remote working to contend with. As a result, Zero Trust has crept in and tilted the formula for Data security and securing network perimeters is no longer effective.