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Proactively Secure Serverless Functions Across AWS, Google Cloud and Azure with Falcon Cloud Security

Serverless functions such as AWS Lambda, Google Cloud Functions and Azure Functions are increasingly popular among DevOps teams, as these cloud-based systems allow developers to build and run applications without managing the underlying infrastructure. But for all their benefits, serverless functions can also raise cybersecurity risk.

The Current State of Browser Cookies

When you hear “cookies,” you may initially think of the delicious chocolate chip ones. However, web cookies function quite differently than their crumbly-baked counterparts. Website cookies are small data chunks, usually saved in a database, that websites transfer onto your computer or mobile device to save data and information about you. They enable sites to identify users and remember helpful information to enhance their experience.

Making Sense of NIS 2: Adopt a Cybersecurity Blueprint like NIST to Set Your House in Order

In 2023, the European cybersecurity landscape painted a concerning picture. According to a report in detection, response, and mitigation further emphasized that enterprise cybersecurity implementations were falling short.

Support for AWS Nitro Enclaves on Fireblocks

At Fireblocks, we know that our customers employ a variety of different cloud configurations for their own internal systems. That’s why we’re excited to announce that Fireblocks now supports Amazon Web Services (AWS) Nitro Enclaves. With this new development, Fireblocks customers building products on AWS can now utilize Nitro Enclaves to run their Fireblocks API Co-Signer.

Why Is Manual Testing a Thing of the Past?

Before end-to-end (E2E) testing frameworks, the software development industry struggled with fragmented and inefficient testing methods. Testing was manual, labor-intensive, and prone to human error, which limited testing coverage and left many critical issues undetected until later stages of development. This manual approach relied heavily on developers and testers executing test cases by hand, leading to substantial inefficiencies and incomplete test coverage.

The Importance of Email Security

Back in the early days of the internet, people looked forward to hearing that deep, robotic voice announcing “you’ve got mail!” Today, whether you like it or not, email is fundamental to personal and business communications. In 2022, people sent and received an estimated 333 billion emails daily, with the number expected to increase to 392.5 billion by 2026. Experiencing a security incident on your email server can interrupt business operations leading to lost revenue.

How to Backup Active Directory: A Step-by-Step Guide

Microsoft Active Directory (AD) is the primary authentication service used by a majority of organizations worldwide (roughly 90 percent). It stores critical business information on domain controllers (DCs) like user accounts, their permissions, the number of computers in your organization’s network, etc. In other words, it’s critical infrastructure. However, many businesses still don’t understand just how important it is to back up Active Directory.

How to evaluate AI features in workflow automation platforms

If you’ve been paying attention to the latest AI product releases or evaluating AI tools for your teams, you’ll probably have noticed how difficult it is to distinguish between hype and reality. Vendors are under an enormous amount of pressure to deliver AI features, and, as a result, many of these new tools feel rushed and fragile, and simply aren’t capable of solving important, real-world problems.

Windows Spotlight - Configurations for Your Lock Screen

Windows Spotlight automatically displays a variety of high-resolution lock screen images. These come from various sources, including Bing searches, professional photographers, and Microsoft’s own collection. It's available on Windows Enterprise and Education editions only. The images encompass a variety of subjects from nature scenes, cityscapes, and architectural marvels to keep a fresh login screen.

Multi-Cloud Security: Proven Methods for Safeguarding Data

As organizations increasingly adopt diverse cloud services to meet their varying computational and storage needs, multi-cloud security emerges as a critical concern. “In 2024, a majority of organizations (78%) are opting for hybrid and multi-cloud strategies. Of those organizations, 43% use a hybrid of cloud and on-premises infrastructure, and 35% have a multi-cloud strategy,” according to the 2024 Fortinet Cloud Security Report.