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Zero Trust

10 Features to Improve Data Security of Subscription Management Systems

Subscription management systems handle vast amounts of sensitive data, including personal information and payment details. Ensuring this data is securely managed and protected is crucial to maintaining customer trust and compliance with regulations. In this article, we'll explore ten features that can significantly enhance the security of a subscription management system, providing a comprehensive approach to protecting sensitive information.

Is your IP safe from China? The US Government doesn't think so.

An Economist article published in June 2024 claimed that China is actively targeting US SMEs for long-term sabotage and for financial gain through sustained IP theft. With China using previously undetected methods of ‘cyber warfare’, it’s increasingly important that US companies adopt Zero Trust protection for their most valuable IP data.

Enabling Data Protection for ZTNA with Lookout

In today's remote work landscape, Lookout Secure Private Access integrates AI-enhanced Data Loss Prevention (DLP) into its ZTNA framework for seamless application access and robust data security. By applying contextual policies based on user identity, application data, device, and location, it ensures efficient protection without disruption. Safeguard confidential data, including intellectual property, through encryption and dynamic masking, simplifying security while ensuring access to essential tools.

Secure Access to Private Apps with ZTNA with Lookout

In today's remote work landscape, Lookout Secure Private Access redefines secure connectivity by eliminating the complexity of VPN setups and additional software. It seamlessly integrates into existing workflows, allowing users to access critical resources effortlessly while maintaining security. By leveraging continuous, contextual policies and machine learning, it enhances security beyond basic authentication, adapting to user behaviors and evolving threats in real-time. Its application cloaking technology ensures that private apps remain hidden from unauthorized access, providing robust protection without compromising flexibility. Simplify and secure your access strategy with Lookout Secure Private Access.

Unlock Zero Trust: Why Database Security is the Missing Piece

As organizations consider their journey to establishing a strong Zero Trust culture, they must adopt a data-centric approach, and this begins with ensuring database security. Data, or more specifically, knowing your data, is at the heart of Zero Trust. This means databases must be considered critical assets with the appropriate security considerations applied.

Black Hat NOC: Zero Trust...but Verify | Corelight

The Black Hat network is unlike an enterprise network. The network operations center (NOC), which Corelight helps to operate, sees traffic that would never be permissible on most enterprise networks. Still, in many ways the Black Hat network is a microcosm of many real-world environments, with similar challenges that require similar solutions.

Integrating Zero Trust Security Models with LLM Operations

Zero Trust Security Models are a cybersecurity paradigm that assumes no entity, whether inside or outside the network, can be trusted by default. This model functions on the principle of "never trust, always verify," meaning every access request must be authenticated and authorized regardless of origin.

From application to Zero Trust: Identity Security fundamentals to stay ahead of the threat landscape

Cybercriminals are not new, and often neither are their tactics. Despite this, phishing attacks, which incorporate social engineering in emails and messages to persuade people to perform an action that puts organisations at risk, continue to be highly successful. New technologies, such as GenAI, are improving these tactics further and companies must implement a strategic approach built on a solid foundation of identity security to minimize risks.

Zero Trust Maturity: How to Know When You're Getting Close

Zero Trust maturity might be one of the least understood security buzzwords of our era. The term “Zero Trust” was originally coined over a decade ago and described the principle of not assigning digital trust to any entity, ever, for free. It represented a fundamental paradigm shift from the trust-happy early internet days to the threat-filled cyber landscape we now know. Since then, companies have been striving to make all their systems Zero-Trust mature. As right they should.