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Endpoint Security

Efficient Endpoint Management for Better Security

Endpoint management is a key part of keeping businesses safe from cyber dangers that are getting worse. Every device on your network, from computers to smartphones, is an endpoint. This means that hackers have a lot more places they can attack. Endpoint control that works well is not only a strategic must, but also a key part of strong cybersecurity.

Predicting cybersecurity trends in 2025: AI, regulations, global collaboration

Cybersecurity involves anticipating threats and designing adaptive strategies in a constantly changing environment. In 2024, organizations faced complex challenges due to technological advances and sophisticated threats, requiring them to constantly review their approach. For 2025, it is crucial to identify key factors that will enable organizations to strengthen their defenses and consolidate their resilience in the face of a dynamic and risk-filled digital landscape.

Autonomous Endpoint Management

Tanium AEM leverages real-time insights from all Tanium cloud-managed endpoints to recommend and automate changes on endpoints within a customer’s environment, giving IT and security teams a safe, scalable, and automated platform to deliver increasingly efficient operations and an improved security posture at scale, with confidence, and in real time.

The Role of the CISO Will Become the Least Desirable in Business | 2025 Cybersecurity Predictions

The CISO is a human-centric role. The biggest issues that CISOs typically encounter are not technical problems but human and governance problems. In 2025, we predict that as regulatory and policy demands for CISOs grow, including requirements for the CISO to personally certify the cybersecurity integrity of their business, the CISO role will become the least desirable in business.

What is an Endpoint and Why It's Important in Cybersecurity

These days, everything is connected to everything else. Endpoints are the most important parts of modern networks because they let people communicate and run processes. But what does an ending really mean? An endpoint is any device that can join a network. This includes laptops, smartphones, tablets, servers, and even Internet of Things (IoT) devices like smart thermostats and wearable tech. People can connect to networks with these devices, but they also have security holes that hackers can use.

DR Guide for Humans: Keys to Understanding MDR, EDR, NDR, XDR (PART 2)

EDR protects organizations' endpoints and surpasses the capabilities of traditional antivirus solutions focused solely on preventing known attacks. Its main strength is detecting and responding to advanced threats that have evaded previous security controls.

WatchGuard Shows Strong Real-World Detection and 100% Malware Protection in MITRE Enterprise 2024

MSPs and IT organizations run lean and can’t afford to waste time sifting through false positives and dealing with operational inefficiencies. This is why we are pleased with our results of 2024 MITRE ATT&CK Enterprise Evaluation, which included a new element this year to test a vendor’s ability to deal with “Noise” and distinguish between benign and malicious actions.