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Trustwave SpiderLabs: The Unique Factors that Make Professional Services a Target

Trustwave SpiderLabs has put together nine vertical threat reports over the past 12 months, but in its most recent effort, the 2024 Professional Services Threat Landscape: Trustwave Threat Intelligence Briefing and Mitigation Strategies report, our team of elite researchers delve into one of the broadest and most complicated vertical sectors yet covered.

Understanding an 0ktapus Phishing Campaign

The recent surge in phishing attacks capable of bypassing multi-factor authentication (MFA) has raised significant concerns in the cybersecurity landscape. These attacks highlight the fact that even systems protected by MFA have vulnerabilities, making it imperative for organizations to stay vigilant and not rely on a single control as a silver bullet. One such campaign, known as 0ktapus, provides a crucial case study in understanding the methods and impacts of these phishing attacks.

OWASP Penetration Testing: Methodology, Kit, Checklist (Downloadable)

Software security is key to the online world’s survival. Collaborative efforts of cybersecurity professionals and volunteers have come together to create the OWASP web security testing guide. Malicious actors constantly threaten web applications, the backbone of many businesses. OWASP penetration testing is crucial for identifying and addressing these security vulnerabilities.

How to Backup Active Directory: A Step-by-Step Guide

Microsoft Active Directory (AD) is the primary authentication service used by a majority of organizations worldwide (roughly 90 percent). It stores critical business information on domain controllers (DCs) like user accounts, their permissions, the number of computers in your organization’s network, etc. In other words, it’s critical infrastructure. However, many businesses still don’t understand just how important it is to back up Active Directory.

Why Do You Need Cloud-Based DDoS Protection?

The cloud offers unparalleled flexibility and scalability, from data storage to maintaining an online presence. However, this increased reliance on cloud infrastructure also brings heightened risks, particularly from DDoS attacks. Recent incidents underscore the urgent need for robust DDoS protection. For instance, the HTTP/2-based DDoS attack peaked last August, reaching over 398 million requests per second.

Why Is Manual Testing a Thing of the Past?

Before end-to-end (E2E) testing frameworks, the software development industry struggled with fragmented and inefficient testing methods. Testing was manual, labor-intensive, and prone to human error, which limited testing coverage and left many critical issues undetected until later stages of development. This manual approach relied heavily on developers and testers executing test cases by hand, leading to substantial inefficiencies and incomplete test coverage.

Why we're stoked to partner with Laravel

Laravel is a premier PHP framework and loved by hundreds of thousands of developers worldwide. In fact over 30% of our Aikido user base already leverages Laravel. As of today, we are Larvel’s preferred AppSec provider. Developers building with Laravel can directly secure their new or existing Forge apps within a few clicks – powered by Aikido. This integration is designed to help PHP developers get security done.

The Importance of Email Security

Back in the early days of the internet, people looked forward to hearing that deep, robotic voice announcing “you’ve got mail!” Today, whether you like it or not, email is fundamental to personal and business communications. In 2022, people sent and received an estimated 333 billion emails daily, with the number expected to increase to 392.5 billion by 2026. Experiencing a security incident on your email server can interrupt business operations leading to lost revenue.

How to evaluate AI features in workflow automation platforms

If you’ve been paying attention to the latest AI product releases or evaluating AI tools for your teams, you’ll probably have noticed how difficult it is to distinguish between hype and reality. Vendors are under an enormous amount of pressure to deliver AI features, and, as a result, many of these new tools feel rushed and fragile, and simply aren’t capable of solving important, real-world problems.