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Insider Threats

The latest News and Information on Insider Threats including employee monitoring and data privacy.

5 employee cyber security training questions you need to ask

Chances are your organization already addresses cyber security to some extent in new employee onboarding. Whether that’s traditional training videos on cyber security that employees watch on their own time, presentations by IT, or brochures, most employees know that their companies have cyber security protocol and best practices. But how many of your employees actually know what the protocol and practices are?

Implementing a User Activity & Behavior Monitoring program

Security & Risk professionals recognize the value and benefits of analyzing user behavior and monitoring user activity. At times, legal and HR staff have questions that must be addressed prior to implementation. This Webinar is intended to assist companies in determining how to best implement a user activity monitoring and / or user behavior analytics program.

How User & Entity Behavior Analytics Reduces the Threat of Insider Data Leakage

Most IT systems are protected by defensive technologies which present a significant hurdle to unauthenticated outsiders. However, the company insiders have authentication credentials that allow them past the defensive technologies and provide them with access to the company’s intellectual property.