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May 2020

Legal Risks and Recommendations for Employee Workplace Surveillance in the US

Monitoring employees is one way to ensure a productive and secure workflow within an organization. However, not all employees like being watched. Some even challenge the ethics and legality of workplace surveillance. In this article, we explore the nature of workplace surveillance and consider the laws US employers should know and follow if they want to monitor their employees.

Why Does Your Business Need Digital Forensic Tools?

While the real world of forensics is much different from your favorite primetime drama, it’s becoming an increasingly important field for the digital sphere. Cybercriminals leave a trace just like real-world offenders, so it’s important to use digital forensic tools that can identify, address, and resolve potentially fraudulent or harmful activities. Keep reading to learn more about digital forensics, and the tools your company needs to stay protected.

Teramind Named in the Gartner 2020 "How to Choose Between Enterprise DLP and Integrated DLP Approaches" Report

The Report Sheds Light on Data Loss Prevention Challenges and Identifies the Use Cases for Integrated DLP vs. Enterprise DLP Solutions. A recent report published by Gartner titled “How to Choose Between Enterprise DLP and Integrated DLP Approaches” (Gartner subscription required) found that “the data loss prevention market includes products with DLP capabilities integrated in security products or SaaS applications, as well as cohesive enterprise DLP suites.