Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

February 2020

How to record, log and audit any Microsoft Hyper-V, VMware Horizon, and Citrix session with EKRAN

Ekran System® can help you to organize virtual desktop monitoring and user session recording in environments like VMware Horizon, Microsoft Hyper-V, or Citrix. In addition to Citrix session recording, Ekran System delivers a comprehensive set of identity and access management features, real-time alerting, and incident response tool sets.

Workforce Management Software

Workforce management, often shortened to simply WFM, is about managing staff schedules and services within companies. Workforce management software incorporates most software that focuses on managing and simplifying the process of scheduling staff work hours as well as managing their work and productivity. Managing large amounts of staff members turns into a massive task for human resources teams if they have to do everything manually.