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April 2020

Why You Need a Just-in-Time Approach to Privileged Access Management

Privileged access is granted to certain users so they can perform their work. Yet admin and service accounts often are the causes of cybersecurity incidents since they allow their owners to install and remove software, modify system configurations, and more. Even with privileged access management practices in place, malicious actors can continue to find new ways to compromise your sensitive data. However, a new just-in-time PAM approach promises to improve the situation.

Effectively Managing The Shift To A Remote Workforce

2020 Has left many people feeling like we’re living in an alternate reality as COVID-19 sweeps the globe, changing life as we know it. Companies ultimately have no choice but to embrace the reality of a fully remote workforce where reliance on technology becomes critical to business continuity. Watch the Webinar Reply to learn more.

Insider Data Theft: Definition, Common Scenarios, and Prevention Tips

People tend to trust those they work with: employees, business partners, subcontractors. But these people, who have access to all kinds of corporate data, don’t always prove worthy of such trust. Insider data theft statistics show that one in four employees won’t think twice before stealing sensitive data from their current company if it will help them sign a contract with a competitor.

Computer Forensic Tools - Providing The Evidence You Need

If you are even considering investigating an employee or monitoring employees in general, consider modern computer forensic tools for a complete solution. Computer forensic tools allow an employer to gather digital evidence before confronting an employee. With the Covid-19 (Coronavirus) outbreak, these types of solutions can also help to monitor employees that are self-quarantined or voluntarily working from home.