Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

June 2023

How to Prevent Data Theft by Departing Employees: 7 Best Practices

Departing employees are a source of insider threats that often get overlooked. According to a study by Biscom, more than one in four departing employees steal data when leaving. Whether they do so out of negligence or with malicious intent, such cases can only have negative outcomes for organizations, from loss of competitive advantage to penalties for non-compliance with cybersecurity requirements.

Insider Risk Hits Closer to Home

If you’re busy securing the perimeter, mandating strong authentication practices, and restricting software downloads, you may be missing the mark. (Just to be clear: if you are doing those things, keep it up. You’re off to a good start, and none of what follows here replaces classic and vital cybersecurity measures.) Protecting your organization from outside threats is foundational to any effective cybersecurity strategy.

The Cybersecurity Risks of AI & How to Safeguard Sensitive Data

Experts in the cybersecurity industry are becoming increasingly concerned about artificial intelligence attacks. A 2020 report from Forrester Consulting found that 88% of decision-makers in the security industry believed offensive AI was on the horizon, and almost two-thirds of them expected AI to lead new attacks.

RKVST mitigating insider threats demo

Mitigate insider threats with RKVST. This demo is an example of how with RKVST it's quick and simple to identify who did what when to any asset so you can quickly see if there has been any malicious activity, when it happened and who was responsible. RKVST provenance-as-a-service enables organizations to authenticate data and build trustworthy digital supply chains. It also makes it quick and easy to locate an asset.

How to Record and Monitor RDP Sessions with Ekran System [Hands-on Guide]

Monitoring remote desktop protocol (RDP) connections to your infrastructure is essential for maintaining a secure IT environment and managing insider risks. Additionally, recording remote user activity on your organization’s servers and other critical endpoints is often a requirement of cybersecurity laws and regulations. This article will guide you on how to monitor RDP connections to your infrastructure server, Jump server, Citrix server, or any other endpoint with Ekran System Client installed.