Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

March 2021

How Does Insider Threat Detection Work & Why is it Crucial?

Attaining a strong cyber security posture is a multi-layered process and includes various essential components. Among those, insider threat detection holds unignorable importance. Therefore, it is crucial to obtain a deeper understanding of what insider threat detection is. Basically, an insider threat is a security risk that’s originated within the boundaries of the organization itself. Unlike outside attacks, insider threats are mainly caused by employees.

Monitoring Logs for Insider Threats During Turbulent Times

For logs and tracking insider threats, you need to start with the relevant data. In these turbulent times, IT teams leverage centralized log management solutions for making decisions. As the challenges change, the way you’re monitoring logs for insider threats needs to change too. Furloughs, workforce reductions, and business practice changes as part of the COVID stay-at-home mandates impacted IT teams.

Utilizing Employee Monitoring For Operational Efficiency And Data Security

Join us in our latest episode hosted by Christines Izuakor and Anthony Lauderdale, Head of Cyber Defense at Zoom, as we discuss the evolution of Employee Monitoring Software, and how the technology can be utilized to increase operational efficiency in the new remote world. We also discuss Insider Threat Detection and how employees could be influenced by financial data to exfiltrate intellectual property.

Insider Risk Management & User Behavior Monitoring as a Service for an Australian MSP

See why the the Australian MSP National IT Solutions says Ekran System is the best choice for user behavior monitoring and insider threat management. Ekran System delivers world-class insider risk management capabilities as a service to customers of National IT Solutions and gives the MSP a competitive advantage over other IT service providers.

Remote Employees: How to Manage Insider Risks

In 2020, remote work became not just a trend but a must for many companies. Yet ensuring secure telecommuting turned out to be a challenge for cybersecurity teams: Remote employees tend to use insecure tools, work in unprotected environments, and mismanage sensitive data. All of this increases the risk of insider threats. In this article, we take a close look at the challenges remote employees bring and the risks they can pose to your organization.