Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

February 2024

7 Examples of Real-Life Data Breaches Caused by Insider Threats

Insiders know all the ins and outs of your organization’s infrastructure and cybersecurity tools. That’s why companies worldwide fall victim to numerous malicious and negligent insider security incidents every month, leading to data breaches and lots of other negative consequences. Such attacks may result in financial and reputational losses and might even lead to business disruption.

A guide to insider threats in cyber security

With so many cyber security priorities to balance, it isn’t always easy to know where to start. The mistake that many organisations make is to view threats originating from outside as their sole focus. However, with insider threats proving a persistent presence, this can often be a very costly oversight. This guide seeks to provide clarity on the different types of insider threats you need to be aware of and the controls and processes you can put in place to defend against them.

12 Cybersecurity Best Practices & Measures to Prevent Cyber Attacks in 2024

Keeping an eye on what’s happening in global cybersecurity is a must if your organization wants to get ahead of new threats and keep up with the latest cybersecurity technologies. Read this post to figure out what to expect from global cybersecurity in 2024 and learn how to secure data with 12 best cybersecurity practices your organization can implement.

Is Employee Monitoring Software Worth The Investment?

Businesses continually seek solutions to enhance efficiency and productivity. Employee monitoring software has emerged as a pivotal tool. It’s a technology designed to track and analyze employees’ work-related activities, offering insights into how work hours are spent. As businesses and organizations strive to optimize operations, understanding the capabilities and applications of such software becomes increasingly crucial.

Insider Threat Detection In Modern Enterprises

Insider threat detection in corporate security is essential due to insiders’ access to sensitive information and potential for harm. This challenge extends beyond employees to contractors and automated systems, encompassing risks like data breaches and espionage. With workplaces becoming digitalized, traditional security measures fall short, necessitating a comprehensive approach that blends technology, policy, and culture.

UEBA: Revolutionizing Security With Advanced Analytics

User and Entity Behavior Analytics (UEBA) is vital in safeguarding sensitive information and systems. It offers an innovative and dynamic security approach beyond traditional measures. By analyzing and comparing user behavior patterns against established baselines, UEBA systems intelligently detect anomalies that could signify a security breach.

How To Choose The Right Employee Monitoring Software

Remote work is becoming increasingly common, and data breaches are a constant threat. The importance of employee monitoring software has never been more pronounced. For businesses looking to safeguard their digital assets while optimizing workforce productivity, selecting the right software is a decision that can have significant implications. This article will guide you through the options and considerations for choosing your business’s ideal employee monitoring solution.

Insider Threat Statistics for 2024: Reports, Facts, Actors, and Costs

Keeping up to date with the latest statistics on insider threats is critical for any organization that wants to be proactive in reducing potential risks. Being aware of current insider risks enables you to take the appropriate measures to mitigate them. This article outlines key facts endorsed by industry experts, discusses the findings revealed by insider threat research, and shows examples of damaging insider incidents.

BrowseControl Web Filtering Software Overview | CurrentWare v9.0.1

Don’t let internet abuse run rampant in your organization. Take back control over web browsing with a free trial of BrowseControl. BrowseControl is an easy-to-use web content filtering software that helps organizations enforce policies, improve productivity, reduce bandwidth consumption, and meet compliance requirements - no matter where their users are located.